Running in the snow sucks

Beer is good, beer is yummy, now pour some more, in my tummy! Yikes, 2007. Time is flying. The list of things to get done seems to be getting longer, not shorter. My plan for the new year is to implement more of Getting Things Done by David Allen.  I also need to review Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life, that's got a good motivational theme going.

I have a dedicated Linux box that sits waiting to be used.  It's running Ubuntu which was a snap to install, and the machine it's running on is actually decent enough to work on.  Here's the problem: I'm at the 'now what' stage.  It's ready to go, but I don't have enough time to get started on anything.  I have Ruby installed, used it for a hello world example and that was pretty much it, no time,  no progress.  Rails 1.2 has reached release candidate 2 and I feel like I'm missing the ROR bandwagon.

What's to accomplish in 2007? Geez, where to begin...Well I want to get the code used for this blog updated so that it doesn't suck.  I like posting code snippets and I don't have an easy way of inserting code snippets and relating them to a post.

Can you list all of the US Presidents? I can't.  Not even close.  I think that's pathetic(for an American).  My geography skills blow.  I can hardly find Colorado on a map, much less name all of the states and point out where they are in relation to each other.  So my goal for 2007 is to learn these basic US factoids.

My 2007 goals are to post at least one useful blog entry per week, and one or more screencasts per month.  I like watching screencasts, it's fun to see other people code and/or do "stuff" in front of me; so I want to pump out more screencasts.

Author: , 0000-00-00