
Why do I need the clear attribute in CSS?

Why do I need clear in CSS? Also, why do I need a separate block . clearfix? With float, I figured out so that the text flows around the image, but why do I need the clear: both; attribute or its other values, I can't figure out. Please help

Positioning using position: absolute; and margin/padding

Is it possible to position objects during layout using the position: absolute; tag and applying margin/padding?

When you click on the video, zoom in to full screen

Hello everyone I need your help. I made the video playback on hover, and now I need it to increase the full screen when I cl ... function() { this.pause(); }) <video> <source src="video/fortnite.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>

How do I make the modal window close when I click on the area around the CSS window?

Faced with the problem that I do not know how to close the modal window when you click around this window, on the page itself ... oes not work, the block appears instantly, and sometimes smoothly if you just reload the page, tell me in what is the reason?

Input placeholder

How do I make sure that the placeholder is not hidden when entering the input? input,select,textarea{ border-radius: ... ail" value="" placeholder="Email"> <input type="text" class="field" name="password" value="" placeholder="Пароль">

How do I arrange div blocks in multiple columns?

The number of blocks is different each time, from 1 to 40. You need to arrange them like this: 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 ... 5 6 The ... ; <a href="" class="c">Шестой</a> <a href="" class="c">Седьмой</a> .... </div>

Right-alignment of flex elements

Can you tell me how to correctly align the elements on the right edge in my example? .header { width: 100%; heigh ... <a href="#">Подвал</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </header>

Raise label css

How do I make the label rise higher when the input or focus is filled, or if the empty one is returned back? .item-f{ ... t.classList.remove('input_filled'); } }); Writes Uncaught TypeError: input.addEventListener is not a function

Make an analog of border-radius for svg circle?

There is such a progress bar with svg. Is it possible to somehow make the circle have rounded edges when the values are < ... t;/svg> </div> <label for="percent">Type a percent!</label> <input id="percent" name="percent">

Swiper pagination

I have three points, three slides, and in fact, when you scroll through the active class, it should change the color of the ... var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', type: 'bullets', }, });

Icon in the tab

I can't make an html5 icon in the tab that is usually displayed, it doesn't work like this: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="ico.png" type="image/x-icon">

Replace special html characters with regular ones

I get the code from html (ex: a > b) and want to check it for correctness. The problem is that when I get innerHTML from ... s there any js method that converts special html - special. characters in the normal ones? I don't want to reinvent the wheel

HTML / header & nav tag

Hello everyone. Here was given the task to write a website. who was interested In HTML, I am a fish, a cucumber and a self-t ... > </body> </html> In CSS, only the background on body #151515 Sorry in advance for my stupism ~(- . - ~

How do I change the placeholder-a color via javascript?

Hello everyone I have an input, how can I change the color of placeholder-a when the focus is on input? Do something like whe ... But now there is a problem, I do not know how to work in javascript-e with pseudo-classes. Is there a solution? Who faced it?

Placeholder style

There is a form How to change the color of the placeholder attribute

HTML5 Canvas: How do I update the canvas?

How do I update the canvas canvas? clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500); - and how do I specify which canvas to update?

Styling a specific ScrollBar

Is it possible to style a ScrollBar for a specific element? For example, I open a modal window on the site and make it scroll differently from the one that scrolls the page itself.

Screenshot of a specific part of the screen using html5

Hello, dear friends. There is such a task: Turn the contents of the div block into an image and invite the user to download i ... extension and even without a name. Is there any way, without involving server technologies, to give a name to the screenshot?

How do I make such a 2.5 d background?

2.5 d background on the page how can I do this?

The Audio tag in Safari. Why doesn't the code work?

Could you please clarify why this code doesn't work in Safari: <audio controls="controls"> <source src="/catcher ... g. </audio> It seems that the desired codec is connected, but the music does not play. What's wrong, please tell me?