
When parsing in python3 via beautifulsoup error 400 bad request what to do?

Parsed the online store with authorization and through BeautifulSoup, but stably after 226 requests, every second request gives an error 400 bad request, what to do?

Record text from one.txt to another.txt Python 3

Hello everyone There are three .a txt file with a different number of lines of text in each. We compare the number of lines i ... ppens is when I copy the text from the file and paste it just into write() everything goes away of course. I'm just learning.

Parsing a python html page. BeautifulSoup

Hello everyone I was faced with the task of parsing data from this web page. It contains data on the works put up for auction ... " from the screen), type2 (="Print in colors"), width (75), height (80), and hummerprice (="not communicated) are left blank.

How to send a photo to Python mail

You need to send a screenshot made with PIL + text to the mail. I looked through the documentation, the text is easy to send, but problems start with the png image.(, gmail)

Python pull variable values from the dictionary

{"status":"success","result":[ {"picture":"data:image\/png;base64,","name":"\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0431\u0430\u043d","username": ... , end=" ") print("username{}:".format(index), i["username"]) index += 1 time.sleep(1000)

Python - problems with utf-8 encoding

How do I get python to work with utf-8 encoding? The file.pyc file is generated (or not generated, I didn't understand it my ... blem still turned out to be in Apache. The solution was found tut AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 SetEnv PYTHONIOENCODING utf8

How do I send an email using Python?

Tell me, did you need to send a message to yandex in python. I found the code, but an error occurs. I read it, it is written ... SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.8 Error: authentication failed: This user does not have access rights to this service')

Content parsing (Python, BeautifulSoup, requests)

Here is the code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html = requests.get('').text soup ... rything seems to be done as always. How can I parse the currency from the site ?

Parsing an HTML file using BeautifulSoup in a DataFrame

There is a file of the form: <TD class="c1">111-1111</TD> <TD class="c2">AA1111-1111</TD> <TD cla ... = value that I have now .368 to lead to a numeric value? a value of the form 0.368 ? I will be grateful for any information !

'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer what is the problem?

For _ in range(threadcountinp): TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer Code: from bs4 import Beautiful ... '\n') for _ in range(threadcountinp): t = threading.Thread(target=thread) t.start() file.close() proxylist.close()

All Russian words

From where can I get all the words in Russian? You need it for your own t9 on a PC. (preferably all words with an array)

Django / Python does not follow links to html pages. How do I fix this?

I wanted to create a simple bulletin board (I just started learning Django). One of the tasks was to create several html page ... nclude urlpatterns = [ path("admin/",, path('advertisements/', include('advertisements.urls')), ]

Returns error: ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10: '-'

import math f = open('D:/Python/info/input.txt', 'r') g = a = g[4] + g[5] b = g[11] + g[12] c = g[18] + g[19] if ... () f.close() Here is the code itself. It gives this error : Something to fix, please help, thank you very much in advance!

Fraction: how to add a fraction with an integer?

Implemented the Fraction class for operations with fractions. def gcd(a, b): while a % b != 0: old_a = a ... 10, 5) + 1) Output: AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'b' Question: how to add a fraction with an integer?

Error ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10: '6.56' in python

Https:// - code import math from colorama import init from colorama import Fore, Back, Style init() ... with "k = int(d)", but if anything I will remove it. Only three rounding doesn't work, everything else works. Please help me.

keyboard.on press key () stops calling the function after compilation в.ехе

Keyboard. on_press_key('f7', TranslateAll, suppress=True) when pressed on F7 calls the function TranslateAll(). Algorithm o ... also be downloaded from my Google drive: PythonCode.exe There is also a video with a detailed overview of the problem: video

Python. How do I make a delay without freezing the program?

When using time. sleep(x), the entire program stops. I also make a bot in which you need to wait after each action. You can't ... ops the ENTIRE program, and after each operation, no one can use the bot. How do I make a delay without freezing the program?

Parsing videos from Youtube channel (Python, BeautifulSoup, requests)

There is a code like this: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests ycid = input('Введите код-идентификатор канала: ') ... nDX1UoRzAHYgNg Парсим с канала: [] [] [] How can I fix the code?

Automatic receipt of the VKontakte authorization token in Python

I use the library: Https:// Import vk Api = vk.Api('YOUR_TOKEN') Where a token is used fo ... om/blank.html#access_token=YYY&expires_in=86400&user_id=XXX Please tell me how to automatically get a token in Python

bs4 problem with the td tag

How to parse and write in the table under the tag td a href? import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv count ... s e: print(e) Returns an error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' name 'adr' is not defined