
JS input type= "text" value multiply by constant value (price)

How to multiply the value from input value= "text" by a constant value from div. constanta For example: <input type= ... Val"> If we change the value in input to 5, the result changes to multiplication: 12500 How do I do this? Thank you

How do I make such a parallax effect?

How to make the same effect as on the site https://www.fotonaut.cz/en/ ? I am interested in the behavior of pills (tablets), ... And they move even when the mouse doesn't move. I am interested in this effect. Does anyone know how to do this?)) Thanks!!!

Getting value from form in php

I have a question about php: how do I get the value values from input from form, if form has not been sent yet, how do I do t ... the value of input is sent? And also, if possible, how do I get the data in the same file without sending it to another one?

JavaScript stopped working

And so I use phpDesigner 7. Denver is installed, the site is standing, everything works. I connected the jQuery library to ... the pshPdesigner, created a new file with javascript, Denver rebooted, rebooting the computer, nothing helped. What's it?)

How to add a row to a table using AJAX

I am currently studying the AJAX technology and a difficulty has arisen. I want to add a row in the table when I click on the ... console.log('ОШИБКА: ' + respond.error); } }, error: function() { console.log('ОШИБКА AJAX запроса: '); } });

Add/remove class on click script

There is a list of links <div id="selectBackground"> <p>Select</p> <ul> ... L6/8/. Can you tell me how to add this script so that the active class is still automatically removed from the previous link?

Dynamic shadow from the video

I have a video and I want to make a dynamic shadow of it. I was never able to do it, but I was able to do it with the image: ... block: <video autoplay muted loop id="awesomeVideo"> <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>

Move or copy a jquery element

UPD: This construction works, but it turns out that you do not select a specific element, after which you need to put a block ... lt;/div> <div sise="wide" class="item">{{> post/post}}</div> </div> I hope I have clearly stated

When you click on the video, zoom in to full screen

Hello everyone I need your help. I made the video playback on hover, and now I need it to increase the full screen when I cl ... function() { this.pause(); }) <video> <source src="video/fortnite.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video>

how to open a second modal window from one modal window

I ran into a problem with modal windows, namely, a problem where when I click in one modal window, the second one should "fal ... modal window at the same level as the first modal window: How hang the second one on top of the first one I don't understand

Cost Calculation Calculator

There are two sliders, the number of calls and the average duration of the call. There is a total cost of the call. The value ... with the implementation, please. (The noUiSlider slider, I couldn't load it here, so I wrote the value for input manually).

Smooth block appearance

I have such a section of the markup (I will immediately make a reservation that the markup was not done by me, it was provide ... in_modal").fadeIn("slow"); }); </script> But no smooth appearance occurs. Tell me, where did I do something wrong?


I bypass the elements in this way: jQuery.each($('#content_wrap > .an_post'), function() { setTimeout(function(){cons ... adeIn(1500); }); That is, so that 4 elements disappear one after the other with a difference in animation of about a second.

How do I clear form fields using jQuery?

There is a page in which there are a number of different elements. It is necessary to return them to their original state (as ... age). It's not nice to do that: $('#name').val(''); For each form? Do you have any options on how to make it more beautiful?

changing the image when hovering over the div

Good time of day I have a div with the test class and when you hover over the div you need to change the image I tried to wri ... stand where the error is if ($(".test") hover(handlerInOut(eventObject))){ $(".test").attr("src", "img/Vector4.png"); }

jQuery DOM-add, remove nodes

There is no way to implement such a task: when you click on $("div.block") , a new element <div></div> should app ... 't figure out how to add an element; more precisely, I can't figure out how to get to the element from which it can be added.

How to style input type = "password"?

I need to style input like this http://prntscr.com/r46e70 How can I do this WITHOUT replacing the input type with text? Thanks!!!

Opening a link in a new tab using JS

Good afternoon, everyone. There is the following code that is triggered on the click event: var idzakaz = $(this).next('.iden ... it opens not in a new tab, but in a new window. Can you tell me how to get rid of this and make both links open in new tabs?

Fancybox-passing parameters

Good day, hello everyone. That's what day I'm messing with fancybox and I can't figure out how to pass the values from the mo ... rameters from a modal window to a page /index.php Thank you in advance for your answer. I will be very grateful for any help.

jQuery and browser window size

Good evening, how do I get the script to work with the browser window already changed initially? $(document).ready(funct ... } }); }); When changing the window, everything works, but when the window is initially 800px, it doesn't ...