Ugh…I Hate Cleaning


My brother Tim went to college and at some point worked at an Italian restaurant.  While there, not only was he taught how to cook some dishes, he was also taught how to cook.  The golden rule that he was taught was that a great chef never makes a mess.  Tim taught me how to make one of the few "dishes" I can make today, lasagna.  He taught me that after using an ingredient, you put it away.  If you notice some bits of stuff lying around, like cheese or noodle bits or anything considered garbage, scoop them up as soon as you notice to stay ahead of the mess.  Finished with a bowl? either clean it or put it in the dishwasher.  Simple.  When it's time to put the lasagna in the oven to cook, there is no mess to clean up.

Scrambled Eggs

My wife Anja and I are different breeds when it comes to cooking, nothing elaborate, just stuff like fixing scrambled eggs or whatever.  Anja makes scrambled eggs by basically taking out all ingredients, mixing everything up, and leaving all of the dishes and ingredients out.  The benefit? We eat maybe a little sooner than later, BUT when we're done eating, there's a big ass mess to clean up, and did i mention that I hate cleaning?

I make scrambled eggs similar to how I make lasagna, only a little more OCD-ish.  Basically, when I'm done making the scrambled eggs, there isn't anything to clean except for the pan and spatula used to cook the eggs.  I didn't make a mess(not much anyway), and when I'm done? There's pretty much nothing to clean up, it's already done.

OK, Great, Now What About Software???

My philosophy on software development goes something like this, if you don't make a mess, you won't end up with a mess.  A similar belief of mine that usually evokes the response of laughter goes something like this, if you don't create bugs in your code, you won't end up with bugs in your code.

So, do I make messes and bugs in my software? YES.  It happens, for one reason or another it happens, BUT, and this is a big BUT, I'm capable of looking back and identifying what led to the mess and/or bug, and attempt to learn why it happened and figure out a better solution for the next time around.  As I get better at identifying things that caused previous messes and bugs, I get better at starting off on the right foot, not recreating the same stupid bugs over and over.

Bugs Are Not Respected Enuff To Get Postponed!

Bugs are like the little things that accumulate while cooking, ingredients, dirty bowls, all they do is contribute to a big pile of shit that you'll be responsible for cleaning up when the project's done.  It's not fun, I'm pretty sure if you ask any developer creating new code today if they would prefer fixing bugs over creating new cool ass code, the answer will not be fixing bugs.

So if there are known bugs, fucking fix them NOW, not later, cuz waiting is just going to make that pile of shit that needs to be fixed a little bit bigger and you as the developer a little more depressed.

Author: , 0000-00-00