Books and training materials on HTML and CSS, as well as layout tools [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: Books and training resources on HTML and CSS (1 answer) Closed 1 year ago.

I want to start learning HTML and CSS. I found a lot of sites and books on the Internet, my eyes run away and I don't know what to choose. Therefore, please advise which book or website is best to start learning HTML and CSS.
Also, what software should be used when learning HTML and CSS.

Author: ArniLand, 2011-07-02

10 answers

Mussiano's book " HTML&XHTML.Detailed guide". Read thoughtfully. The book will later come in handy as a reference.

The book by E. Meyer " CSS. Cascaded style sheets. Detailed guide". You can literally learn this book. ))

Website - there are reference books, lessons, articles, ready-made solutions. There are a lot of interesting things on this site.

BY. The list is quite wide. I prefer to write "by hand", so to speak, that is, without automatic code generation applications... I I work in Notepad++. In total, for a beginner, I consider the best bundle of software-Notepad++ and Mozilla Firefox of the latest version.

Author: LeD4eG, 2011-07-29 16:08:47




  1. David McFarland, The New Big CSS Book
  2. John Duckett, HTML and CSS. Website development and design
  3. Frane Ben, HTML5 and CSS3.Website development for all browsers and devices
  4. Eric Meyer, CSS-cascading style sheets. Detailed guide

Video courses

  1. Learn CSS/CSS3 from scratch to guru! (Gosha Dudar)
  2. CSS/CSS3 Basics (Sorax)
  3. CSS Basics (loftblog)

Interactive courses


Code editors

  1. Sublime Text
  2. Brackets
  3. Notepad++
  4. Visual Studio Code
  5. Atom

Online sandboxes

  1. JSFiddle
  2. CodePen
  3. CssDesk
  4. Cloud9



Ask questions here


Additional material

  1. The layout designer's path: from zero to senior (

Here, in my opinion, there is a good scheme and a structured description of the basic things needed at a particular level.

Author: Kyper, 2021-01-11 08:21:32

Some introductory information (from the personal and experience of my colleagues and friends):

For a novice coder, and not just a beginner, it is always difficult to decide what to read and which book to start with is best, since we are surrounded by an ocean of all kinds of recommendations. YouTube is full of various video materials, thousands of blogs with beautiful titles and pictures, and they call out to themselves: "Come here, we will teach you everything..." and so on...

Very important, especially for those who are just beginning their journey (amid all this information noise), to understand and realize in which direction to move, where to start and how to gradually build up your muscles in this field of activity. How to do everything correctly? What tools should I use? There are a lot of questions and moving step by step, solving them gradually, you can achieve a lot.

I will add my own selection of the most productive and relevant books, educational materials resources on HTML, CSS, and additional technologies related somehow to layout, and in general web design, which helped me start doing something interesting, strive to develop further in this direction, and find my first job in IT:)

References (HTML):

  • " Learning HTML5. Specialist Library". B. Lawson, R. Sharp, Peter, 2012, 303 p.
  • "HTML5: Programming Recipes". K. Schmitt, K. Simpson, 2012
  • "HTML5. Pocket reference book". 5th edition, D. Robbins, 2015
  • "HTML5: Mobile App Development". E. Vail, 2015

References (CSS):

  • " CSS secrets. Perfect solutions to everyday tasks." Lia Vera, Peter, 2016
  • "The new big CSS book." D. McFarland, Peter, 2016
  • " HTML5 and CSS3 for dummies ". K. Minnick, Ed Tittel, Dialectics, 2016, 400 p.

Resources for training and references:

MDN Web Docs
W3C. Cascading Style Sheets home page
SASS. Documentation
Bootstrap. Documentation
Books and training materials on SVG

Literature on web design and related technologies:
here, in addition to the above, more technologies are given and this literature goes a little beyond the scope of this question, but books are useful in that they form a general understanding of the formation of web pages

  • "The Big Book of Web Design" by T. Felke-Morris, EKSMO, 2017
  • "Bootstrap in examples", S. Moreto, DMK Press, 2017, 314 p.

I also want to add, as almost everyone who is in any way connected with IT says:
learn English, as technology is developing very quickly and books are translated into Russian much later, some of them technologies are no longer relevant at the time of translation. Try to use resources-primary sources, or resources as close to them as possible (I gave examples above).

Author: Arthur, 2018-11-10 22:23:23

I agree with iwowa. A great site to explore: About the software: better on my vzgyad notepad++.

Author: Node_pro, 2011-07-29 16:10:04

You can learn on wikipedia, on htmlbook, construction,, this one was the best for me - s3schools.

SOFTWARE: I use Adobe Dreamweaver cs5.

Author: iwowa, 2011-07-29 16:09:37

I'm certainly 7 years late, but I learned these languages thanks to htmlbook and Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML. And yes: I do not advise you to learn these languages separately.

Personally, I perceive everything very well visually and by ear. I found it difficult to read technical literature, so I studied these languages as the problem arose. How exactly? I started by watching the training lessons (Introductory lessons) on YouTube in Russian. Repeat all the actions in the lessons and voila-you I wrote my first "web page".

After you feel that you have started to understand a little in these languages-start writing pages without the help of lessons, creating a challenge to yourself. If there's a problem, Google it. Forums and YouTube videos will always help you. As one StackOverflow user told me: " you will find almost all the answers to your problems on the Internet."

By the way, another good reference site is w3schools (in English).

I recommend it after a good base in CSS to switch to preprocessors. Personally, I use SCSS. A very good book to study - Dan Cederholm - Sass for Web Designers.

Author: Antonio112009, 2018-11-09 13:28:28

As for the programs-Notepad++, of course, the whole head, but you can also try MS Expression Web. There are several advantages - both a hint on the code and auto-completion, and viewing at once what you have messed up.

Author: JGDger, 2011-07-29 16:09:09

The best tutorial on the site I learned from it and everything is great! I highly recommend it! Go to the site and select "HTML" from the menu. You can download it. In short, a cool tutorial!

Author: pushnoy18, 2011-07-29 16:10:36

Pretty well described: here and here.

For software, at this stage, Notepad++ or SublimeText or Atom will work (to your taste). You can also start with WebStorm, it is more complex.

Author: Yaroslav Mironyuk, 2018-11-26 04:37:22

No books on HTML and CSS should be read. I once read one and realized that I just wasted my time, there is nothing worthwhile there, only one "water". Everything can be found on the Internet in the form of articles (often on forums in the answers) in a more concise form, the main thing is to know what you are interested in.

See simple ready-made templates to understand how everything works. A very good reference will be, as already mentioned above . convenient tag list and good description.

For the layout under Windows, it is good to use notepad++, easy to use and most importantly there is code highlighting.

Author: uvlad, 2011-07-02 12:27:25