Close teamviewer

Good day gentlemen,

There is a teamviewer software. Useful and necessary, but uncontrolled. I want to close it so that users do not let anyone into the network. Who has experience?

P. s. There is also an ammyy admin-also a candidate for closure.

Author: angry, 2011-09-23

2 answers

In fact, there is no single solution. We need comprehensive solutions.

  1. In iptables or on маршрутере which releases to the world the block ip-adressa that teamviewer uses. There is no current ip list at the moment, you can get it yourself by scanning the traffic with a utility like wireshark\tcpdump

  2. On client machines, by correcting the hosts file, "replace" the access to the service domain with




Thus, with a probability of 90%, you will close the" hole "

Author: santer, 2015-04-17 18:12:58

Delete via the control panel, uninstall will close all the ports that it opened, if it does not help, then close the ports with some software 5938 (TCP, UDP), and 9997 for the 5th version.

Author: dogmar, 2011-09-23 11:21:27