Correct spelling of unit tests and the name of the testing function

The task is to test the structure with a single method toStr that returns the type as a string.

This structure looks like this:

struct Individ
    enum : qint8
        TypeX01 =  1,
        TypeX02 =  2,
        TypeX03 =  3,
        // ...
        TypeUnk = -127,

    } Type;

    Individ(decltype(Type) type = TypeX01) : Type(type) {}

    QString toStr() const
        switch (Type)
        case Individ::TypeX01 : return "Type X01";
        case Individ::TypeX02 : return "Type X02";
        case Individ::TypeX03 : return "Type X03";
        // ...
        case Individ::TypeUnk : return "Unknown type";
        default               : return QString();
    explicit operator bool() const { return Type != Individ::TypeX00N; }

inline bool operator ==(const Individ& lIndivid, const Individ& rIndivid) noexcept {
    return lIndivid.Type == rIndivid.Type;

inline bool operator !=(const Individ& lIndivid, const Individ& rIndivid) noexcept {
    return lIndivid.Type != rIndivid.Type;

We can notice that in addition to testing the function itself, we also have to check the equality (operator==) and inequality (operator!=) check operators. And here comes the question. What is the correct name for such a method that checks such operators ? In my case, the method of checking the operator equality is called equalityOperatorTests, and inequality is called inequalityOperatorTests.

Also, is it worth checking, for example, the equality operator to return true and false. In my case, I only check for a true return.

Here is the code for an example of how I implemented the tests. For testing, I use Google Test Framework:


#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "individ.h"

static const quint8 NUM_OF_INDIVID_TYPES = 4;

static const struct {

    Individ i;
    QString s;

} listOfIndividTypes[NUM_OF_INDIVID_TYPES] {

    { Individ::TypeX01, "Type X01"     },
    { Individ::TypeX02, "Type X02"     },
    { Individ::TypeX03, "Type X03"     },
    { Individ::TypeUnk, "Unknown type" }

TEST(IndividTests, toStrTests)
    for (qint8 i = 0; i < NUM_OF_INDIVID_TYPES; i++) {
    // Симулируем подачу несуществующего индивида. 
    const Individ individ = static_cast<decltype(Individ::Type)>(127);
    ASSERT_STREQ(individ.toStr().toUtf8(), QString().toUtf8());

TEST(IndividTests, equalityOperatorTests)
    for (qint8 i = 0; i < NUM_OF_INDIVID_TYPES; i++) {
         ASSERT_TRUE (listOfIndividTypes[i].i == listOfIndividTypes[i].i);

TEST(IndividTests, inequalityOperatorTests)
    for (qint8 i = 0; i < NUM_OF_INDIVID_TYPES; i++) {
         ASSERT_FALSE(listOfIndividTypes[i].i != listOfIndividTypes[i].i);


#include "individ_tests.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

P.S Don't judge this structure too harshly. It is given as an example.

Author: bbdd, 2021-02-12