Convert a date to timestamp?

How can I get in PHP a date in format of timestamp?

$fecha = "2015-12-06";

echo TIMESTAMP($fecha);
Author: Mariano, 2015-12-06

2 answers

You can use one of the following two ways to get the timestamp:

SHAPE #1: structured style

// Usa el método strtotime()
$timestamp = strtotime($fecha);

Shape #2: object-oriented style

// DateTime class.
$date = new DateTime($fecha);
$timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();


The structured style ( method strtotime() ) is more efficient than the object-oriented style ( class DateTime ).

You can see an interesting benckmark in these two ways get the timestamp here:

My original answer:

Author: tomloprod, 2017-05-23 12:39:21

If you want to save text in $fecha Timestamp format, use the strtotime() function. Once you save in a variable the result of the function with your date as a parameter, you can manipulate it like any timestamp. So to get your date variable with Timestamp format would be like this:


Once converted to $variableTimestamp, you can manipulate it as a timestamp, such as to change the print format. Example:

echo date("d/m/Y", $variableTimestamp);
//Resultado: 06/12/2015
Author: Campos, 2015-12-07 01:49:03