Low Internet speed Windows 10

I connected the Internet at home, the speed of the jump is very low ...for example if you watch a movie online, it loads quickly, that is included Play and see the page displayed in years, but using torrents, the speed drops to 500 KB/s, large files I tried to download (Ubuntu 1.5 GB) not a torrent, respectively, the speed is still 500-600 KB, laptop caught via wifi, to wifi, the phone is connected, via the play market tried the download speed to 4-5 MB/s, which for hnya this can be?? I I understand that some providers jam torrents (although this one claimed that it does not jam) but the usual file is not torentovsky with the same speed shakes...

Author: Илья Евтропов, 2019-10-16

1 answers

In general, the guys are sorry for the long answer, I was on a business trip, yesterday at home I decided to try again to download torrents through my miracle provider. The speed is now normal that through WiFi, that through the cable (through the cable the speed is higher), well, at least the speed is now normal. What was the problem with xs)

Author: Илья Евтропов, 2019-11-14 08:59:59