Parsing an HTML file using BeautifulSoup in a DataFrame

There is a file of the form:

<TD class="c1">111-1111</TD>
<TD class="c2">AA1111-1111</TD>
<TD class="c3">NAME1</TD>
<TD class="c4"><INPUT type="text" id="F1" readonly="readonly" value=" .368"></TD>
<TD class="c5"><INPUT type="text" id="Q1" readonly="readonly" value=""></TD>
<TR class="r1">
<TD class="c1">222-2222</TD>
<TD class="c2">BB2222-2222</TD>
<TD class="c3">NAME2</TD>
<TD class="c4"><INPUT type="text" id="F2" readonly="readonly" value=" 1.28"></TD>
<TD class="c5"><INPUT type="text" id="Q2" readonly="readonly" value=""></TD>

From it, I need information in the form of pandas. DataFreme, which lies in the blocks TD class= "c1", TD class= "c2", TD class= " c3 "and the value value= in TD class= "c4".
To get it, I do the following:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml')
description = [element.text for element in soup.find_all(class_="c3")]
component = [element.text for element in soup.find_all(class_="c1")]
code = [element.text for element in soup.find_all(class_="c2")]
val = re.findall(r'value="(.*?)"', html)
value = [value for value in val if value != '']
value.insert(0, 'Value')

data = []
for a, b, c, in zip(component ,description,value):
    data.append([a, b, c,])

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['cod','desc','val'])

The code works, if there are suggestions for improving it (and I am sure that this code can be improved :) ), I will be happy to listen!!!
Actually, the question is, how do I get the value= value that I have now .368 to lead to a numeric value? a value of the form 0.368 ?
I will be grateful for any information !

Author: MaxU, 2019-07-17

1 answers

Try this way:

import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from pathlib import Path

def get_vals(soup, filt="[class='c4']"):
    ret = [x.input.attrs["value"].strip()
           for x in"td{filt}")[1:]]
    return pd.to_numeric(ret, errors="coerce")

url = r"C:\download\CONCTEXT_NCS_S0907R50B.htm"

soup =  BeautifulSoup(Path(url).read_text(encoding="utf-8"), 'lxml')

df = pd.read_html(url, header=0)[0]
df["Recipe Qty"] = get_vals(soup, filt="[class='c4']")


In [123]: df
  Component     S-W Code                  Description  Recipe Qty  Required Quantity
0  241-2905  TZ4103-3905                   BLUE FTALO       0.368                NaN
1  241-6909  TZ4103-2909                    OXYDE RED       1.280                NaN
2  241-7906  TZ4103-3406                 RED BORDEAUX       1.120                NaN
3   X80LC-G          NaN  WHITE TEXTURED TOP COAT (*)     997.232                NaN

In [124]: df.dtypes
Component             object
S-W Code              object
Description           object
Recipe Qty           float64
Required Quantity    float64
dtype: object
Author: MaxU, 2019-07-17 09:20:23