Pass the values of the form's checkboxes to php

For example in the form there are checkboxes with several options:

  <input type="checkbox" name="ch[]" id="ch-1" value="val-1">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch[]" id="ch-2" value="val-2">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch[]" id="ch-3" value="val-3">


In js, the usual form processing (not the point):

  url: 'contacts.php',
  type: 'post',
  data: str
}).done(function(msg) { .... }

And there is contacts.php:


    define("CONTACT_FORM", '[email protected]'); 

    $subject = 'Заявка';

    $ch  = stripslashes($_POST['ch']);
    $sel  = stripslashes($_POST['sel']);

  if(!empty($_POST['ch'])) { 
     foreach($_POST['ch'] as $check) { 
        $ch += $check; 

    $message = '
                    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
                    <p>Значения чекбоксов    : '.$ch.'</p>
                    <p>Значение селекта    : '.$sel.'</p>

    $mail = mail(CONTACT_FORM, $subject, $message,
        "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
        ."From: ".$name." <".CONTACT_FORM.">\r\n"
        ."Reply-To: ".$email."\r\n"
        ."Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n");

        echo "OK";

Either only one checkbox value is sent to the mail, or 0.

Question: what am I doing wrong in the. php file. How can I fix it so that all the values of the checkbox are sent to the mail?

Author: Qwertiy, 2016-11-10

3 answers

Found the reason:

Non-working code: $ch += $check;

Working code: $ch .= $check;

Turn out:


  <input type="checkbox" name="ch[]" id="ch-1" value="val-1">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch[]" id="ch-2" value="val-2">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch[]" id="ch-3" value="val-3">



    define("CONTACT_FORM", '[email protected]'); 

    $subject = 'Заявка';

    $ch  = stripslashes($_POST['ch']);
    $sel  = stripslashes($_POST['sel']);

  if(!empty($_POST['ch'])) { 
     foreach($_POST['ch'] as $check) { 
        $ch .= $check; 

    $message = '
                    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
                    <p>Значения чекбоксов    : '.$ch.'</p>
                    <p>Значение селекта    : '.$sel.'</p>

    $mail = mail(CONTACT_FORM, $subject, $message,
        "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
        ."From: ".$name." <".CONTACT_FORM.">\r\n"
        ."Reply-To: ".$email."\r\n"
        ."Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n");

        echo "OK";
Author: HamSter, 2016-11-10 13:49:44

You need to get all the selected checkbox, and get the value select and send an AJAX request to contacts.php, passing the values checkbox and select{[9 to data ]}

Here is an example:

    	var check = function(){
    		var cBox = [];
            // в цикле собираем значения всех установленных чекбоксов и записываем их в массив cBox

            // получаем значение выбранного select
    		var selectedValue = $("option:selected").attr("value");
             alert("CheckBox [0]: " + cBox[0]);
             alert("CheckBox [1]: " + cBox[1]);
             alert("CheckBox [2]: " + cBox[2]);
             alert("Select: " + selectedValue);
    		  url: 'contacts.php',
    		  type: 'post',
              // передаем в data массив со значениями checkbox и значение select
    		  data: { ch:cBox, sel:selectedValue }
    	$("#submit").on("click", check);
<script src=""></script>
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch" id="ch-1" value="val-1">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch" id="ch-2" value="val-2">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch" id="ch-3" value="val-3">

  <select name="sel" >
    <option value="val-1" selected>val1</option>
    <option value="val-2">val2</option>
  <input type="button" id="submit" value="Submit" />
Author: tCode, 2016-11-10 11:20:11

That's exactly how it works, screenshot

enter a description of the image here



if (isset($_REQUEST['ch'])) {


<script src=""></script>
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch" id="ch-1" value="val-1">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch" id="ch-2" value="val-2">
  <input type="checkbox" name="ch" id="ch-3" value="val-3">

  <select name="sel">
    <option value="val-1" selected>val1</option>
    <option value="val-2">val2</option>

  <input type="button" id="submit" value="Submit" />

<div id="result"></div>

  $(function() {
    var check = function() {
      var cBox = [];
      // в цикле собираем значения всех установленных чекбоксов и записываем их в массив cBox
      $("input[type=checkbox]:checked").each(function() {

      // получаем значение выбранного select
      var selectedValue = $("option:selected").attr("value");

        url: 'contacts.php',
        type: 'post',
        // передаем в data массив со значениями checkbox и значение select
        data: {
          ch: cBox,
          sel: selectedValue
      }).done(function(msg) {

    $("#submit").on("click", check);
Author: Jean-Claude, 2016-11-10 12:24:34