Replacing lines in a file


$for_edit  = "подробнее"; // искомая строка 1
$for_edit2 = "подробнее2"; // искомая строка 2
$what      = "кратко"; // на эту меняем

$fopen = @file("21.txt");
foreach ($fopen as $key => $value) {
    if (substr_count($value, $for_edit)) {
        if (isset($fopen[$key + 1])) {
            array_splice($fopen, $key + 1, 1, $what);
    $f = fopen("21.txt", "w");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($fopen); $i++) {
        fwrite($f, $fopen[$i]);

The script is looking for a specific line and changes the next one to the desired one, how do I make the script look for 2 specific lines and change everything in between to the desired line? (Even though I can't format the text.)

Author: Nicolas Chabanovsky, 2011-09-26

3 answers

function getBetween($s1, $s2, $str)
    $s = strpos($str, $s1) + strlen($s1);
    $e = strpos($str, $s2);
    return substr($str, $s, $e-$s);
echo getBetween('<img ', ' />', '<img src="lalala.gif" alt="lalala song" />');

How to replace, I think you can guess? =)

Author: ling, 2011-09-26 12:33:56

Alternatively, a function that finds and replaces all matches between the search strings:

function replaceBetween($s1,$put,$s2,$str){
$s = explode($s1,$str);
foreach($s as $k=>$r){
$out .= ($n?$s1.$put:($k?$s1:'')).substr($r,$n);
return $out;
//использование в вашем случае:
echo replaceBetween($for_edit,$what,$for_edit2,file_get_contents('21.txt'));
Author: DL_, 2011-09-26 18:18:27

As an option (I will not paint the entire script, I think you will understand):

$text; // содержимое нашего файла
$str1; // Строка 1
$str2; // Строка 2
$to_r; // Текст на который будет меняться информация между строкой 1 и 2

preg_replace('#('.$str1.').*('.$str2.')#msi', '$1'.$to_r.'$2', $text);
Author: Даниил Вендолин, 2011-09-26 18:28:52