Test server for the site

Hello everyone. You need to use a "temporary" server for one site and for one user. The bottom line - you need to raise the server on a laptop for personal (this is for now) use of one site.
Can I use the built-in VS server? If so, where to start digging or smoking manuals.

P.S. Soryan. I also remain a noob in programming, because I left this topic. Also soryan for the title. I just couldn't think of anything.

Author: JuniorOne, 2020-11-26

2 answers

To start the local server, you can go to the folder with your build in the command line and run dotnet MyProject.dll , just don't forget in the configuration files (appsettings.json, launchSettings.json) specify the network address from which this server should be accessible. If localhost remains, it will not be visible from the network.

And if the need is repeated, I advise you to deal with docker once, so that you can raise any servers in a matter of seconds. seconds.

Author: Алексей Маслов, 2020-12-07 08:00:57

VS starts IIS Express when debugging web applications (in the case of ASP.NET), which can be run without VS (via the same CMD), in the case of .NET. Core, you can use Kestrel and install the application as a windows service, or run. exe. In general, I advise you to smoke in these directions.

Author: funforlifefix, 2020-11-26 17:40:31