The while loop in the function while() function in php

Hello everyone.

I apologize for such a stupid question: how can I put a while loop in a function if the loop accesses the database?
For example:

$all = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM article") or die("Ошибка");
   function all_list(){
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($all)){
      echo $row['id'];
    echo all_list();
Author: Виталина, 2014-11-23

2 answers

Pass $all as a function parameter:

function all_list($all){}

And call the function with passing the parameter

echo all_list($all);
Author: Get, 2014-11-23 19:10:14

In general, you can not pass any parameters to mysqli_fetch_assoc(), it already knows what to pull out.

It is better to write this way (if you really want to with the parameter:

function all_list($connect, $table){
   $rows = array();
   $all = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM ".$table) or die("Ошибка");**
   while($rows[] = mysqli_fetch_assoc($all)){
   //echo $row['id']; //нехорошо :-)
   return $rows;
var_dump(all_list($connection, 'article'));
Author: StTv, 2014-11-24 08:08:13