what Formula do I make for ranges of values in excel?

I need a formula in excel that identifies intervals, ex

0-30  = 20%
31-60 = 98,5%
61-90 = 100%
91-120 = 101,5%

If f2<= 30 Report 20%; if f2>30 and <60 report 98,5%, etc

How do I do it?

Author: gato, 2018-02-07

5 answers

My answer is a little late, but I hope it will be useful. You could replace the function SE with PROCV, as follows:


The table must be assembled as follows:


Note: As you reported integer ranges I am only considering that there will be no decimal numbers (e.g. 30,2 - in this case it would not work).

Author: Luciano Muller, 2019-02-26 18:01:03

I just made one here, I do not know if it suits what you intend to do, plus the formula works in the same reasoning as was requested.



insert the description of the image here

Hope I helped!

Author: Paulo Ricardo, 2018-02-07 03:02:50

Use the "IF" function (or "IF" if your office is in English).
This function has the following format:
If ("condition"; a; B)
where A is the answer if the condition is true and B is the answer if the condition is false.

If (F2 In this case if the content of cell F2 is less than or equal to 30, the formula will return the value 20%, otherwise it will return 100%.

To solve your problem, we must use several times the same Formula, One within the other, as below:

SE(F2<=30; 20%; SE(F2<=60; 98,5%; SE(F2<=90; 100%; 101,5%)))

Notice that case F2

If the result appears as 0.2 instead of 20%, just use cell formatting as percentage (%icon in the formatting bar).

I hope it was clear to response.

Author: Rod, 2018-02-07 12:09:43

If you have Excel 2016, you can use the function IFS




Author: virtualdvid, 2018-02-09 17:27:17

[Using the function if with one more condition and [1]

Using the SE function with condition E, you can name the ranges.

Follows the Formula;


Hope I helped!

Author: Juliana Gomes, 2020-05-24 18:57:37