What is the difference between array and array?

After seeing arrays and arrays in programming, I got a little confused, so I would like to know, what is the difference between a array and a array?

Author: UzumakiArtanis, 2017-08-28

2 answers

This is more of a mathematical concept than programming.

Just as a square is a particular case of a quadrilateral, an array is a particular case of an array: it is an array with only one dimension.
Here array is understood as a synonym for vector.

In programming the type array is a data structure whose elements can be manipulated/accessed through indexes and can have one or more dimensions.

The terms vector and arrays, by analogy to mathematics, are sometimes used to denote one-dimensional Arrays and two-dimensional Arrays , respectively.

Author: ramaral, 2017-08-28 18:43:32

There are some controversies about this, but I will tell you what is more accepted.

Array it is the English name for what we call vector .

A vector is a one-dimensional array, that is, it has only one row or one column of data. Usually we use the term matrix when there is more than one dimension, so it has at least rows and columns, it can have other dimensions.

In other words matrix is a multidimensional vector.

There is vector of vectors which is often confused with Matrix, but is not, after all the sizes of each row or column is variable, a matrix keeps everything the same size while maintaining the "rectangular drawing".

Author: Maniero, 2017-08-30 12:55:01