
What does the arg point to in va start?

Here's the code. I marked the place where the question arises with a comment. This printf () outputs a size of 9 bytes. I don ... understand why the string ' Aa ' is basically counted in the first vsprintf call and the first call returns me 9 instead of 6

Multiplication of c++ matrices [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ion for matrix multiplication (the number of rows of one=the number of columns of the second) is checked in another function.

Convert int to uint16 t and *uint16 t

You need to add RSA encryption to the postgre extension. Be sure to use the C language. I found an implementation on habr htt ... will have to do the same with char) to uint16_t and *uint16_t? I don't know how to apply for the entrance, how to look at it.

CMake Error in src/CMakeLists.txt: GMP INCLUDES-NOTFOUND

I'm trying to collect this library for Windows to use on VS 2019. Following the instructions, I perform: mkdir build cd buil ... the problem did not go away. Question: how do I tell CMake where I have gmp so that I can correctly build the library I need?

Working with GPIO Atmega128a in MicrochipStudio

I start working with Atmega microcontrollers, I try to just light the LED and encountered strange behavior. Here is the code: ... t(); 0000006D RCALL PC-0x001E Relative call subroutine while (1); 0000006E RJMP PC-0x0000 Relative jump

Subject: pointers. The task condition is described below:

The dimension of the matrix (rows, columns) and the matrix itself are given. Sort the negative elements of each column of the ... "%d\t", A[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }

Is there an engine on GLUT?

I saw the program star system on GLUT written by the "procedural" method. BUT I didn't see a single engine on it ! Why is tha ... something wrong in the GLUT kingdom (multithreading is not supported, etc. (basic programming triangles are not supported)).

Gorner sine and Taylor series [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ed expressions of the same type (a recurrent formula). The Taylor series for a sine is On this knowledge my thought stops.

Process interaction via Pipe in Linux

The task is as follows: there is a parent process - a server, and several clients-children. It is necessary that the client s ... therwise even the base does not work... I know it's probably a stupid question, but I'm just learning to write under the nix.

Strange operation of continue in the while loop

#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i = 0; do { printf("%d", i++); if(i == 1) continue; } while(i == 0); } Why does the program only output 0 and not 01?

Loop, getchar(), putchar (), and newline character (C)

I want to write a program that reads 10 characters including newlines and outputs these characters, all 10 characters at the ... le (count < 10) { ch = getchar(); putchar(ch); count++; } return 0; }

How to determine the file size in a C program?

You need to allocate memory equal to the file size in bytes for an array of bytes and then read the file into this array.

How do I continue the parent loop with continue??

There is a regular for loop: for (int i = 0; i < l2; ++i) //родительский цикл { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ... hing. It should be implemented exactly like this Edit, my jamb: After the loop, there is also a code that will be executed

How do I change the formatted data output from printf to cout?

How can I change the data output in the program from printf to cout? Program code: #include <math.h> #include <i ... x = x + h; } cout << endl; table(); } _getch(); page++; } }

Initialization of the C and C++structure

There is a structure of the form typedef struct struct_name { struct another_struct_name { typefield1 fie ... p = {&some_an_s}; const struct_name_t name = {temp}; Similar error. How to initialize this structure correctly in C++?

How do I write the contents of another structure to a structure?

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct word{ char* syms; }; struct sentens ... en write the words into a sentence. Then I want to write the sentence in the text, but it does not work. What is the problem?

fflush (stdout) Si

I have the code, here is a snippet: printf("choose (y/n)?"); fflush(stdout); Why this line is not displayed without fflush(s ... g. As I understand it, the whole point is that there is no line ending(\n), but can you please explain why it works this way.

How much does a C++ student need to know about C. The best C++tutorial? [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... the functions/methods of the former? I've heard about libraries like "QT", is it possible to do the same thing as in VC++?

Why is the return value for scanf skipped? how do I fix this?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int N, control = 0;//N - длина слов,которую задаёт пользователь, контрол служебна ... ontrol изменена - значит строка закончилась и тогда выходим из бесконечного цикла. break; } return 0; }

Windows-1251 encoding issues

Russian characters return negative codes, instead of codes from 192 to 255. system ("chcp 1251"); spelled out. How to use normal codes instead of negative ones?