
How do I display the ruble symbol in an email?

It is necessary to print the ruble symbol in the letter. How to do it correctly? As far as I understand, you can't include th ... to shove svg on the Internet, but the currency field has a limited length and it couldn't be shoved there - it was cut off...

1c Bitrix iBlock getting a link to the downloaded file

I can't get a link to the downloaded file. iBlock has already implemented uploading files to the server, I'm trying to get a ... an't get it. Who can help? IBlock event AddEventHandler('iblock','OnAfterIBlockElementAdd','my_OnAfterIBlockElementAdd');

How do I call the bitrix:iblock.element.add.form component in edit mode?

Bitrix has a bitrix component:iblock. element. add. form,"Add / edit form". Question what parameter should I pass to this co ... US_NEW" => "ANY", "USER_MESSAGE_ADD" => "", "USER_MESSAGE_EDIT" => "", "USE_CAPTCHA" => "N" ));?>

The property is written from the second time

Help me figure it out! When updating an element of the Bitrix infobox, the event must be assigned a value. If the value fiel ... "PROPERTY_VALUE_ID"]]['VALUE'] = 'HELLO!'; } } } } } ?>

How do I get the transaction ID by phone number and transaction direction via the Bitrix24 API?

How do I get the transaction ID by phone number and transaction direction via the Bitrix24 API? Let's say there is a transact ... d to find out the transaction ID by phone number or other fields. Documentation https://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/rest_help/crm/cdeals


Tell me how to filter $arFilterSchet = array("IBLOCK_ID" => "88", "PROPERTY_398_VALUE" => $_GET['id']); $resScheta ... field, regardless of where it was written, that is, there are 4 fields with id 145, 146, 147, 148 It only outputs 145 to me,

How can I sort by "ELEMENT SORT FIELD" => "UF SORT F"in catalog.section.list?

In the admin panel in the sections I created a custom field UF_SORT_F type string, I can't understand why sorting doesn't wor ... "bitrix:catalog.section.list", "dorozhnye-znaki", $sectionListParams, $component, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y") );

birix, a circular redirect on the main page

I transfer a site with subdomains to another hosting using backups and restore.php. The content of the subdomains is shared, ... on.ru/bgazobeton.ru You can't go to the admin panel either. There are no redirects in .htaccess Where to dig? Please tell me

Parameters for calling the bitrix component:catalog.item

Tell me or give a link to the Bitrix documentation with a description of the bitrix component:catalog. item Interested in th ... how it. All information - how to correct the component template. But I want to understand exactly the parameters of the call.

Why don't Bitrix connect js files via Asset?

In the Bitrix template, I can't connect js files via Asset, I write like this <?php use Bitrix\Main\Page\Asset; ?> < ... avascript" src="<?= SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH ?>/js/script.js"></script> Why does the connection via Asset not work?

Extra characters appear when using Bitrix deferred functions

There is a component code on bitrix, I call it in the right place via deferred functions (in component_epilog.php). In place, ... _ID" => "1", ), false )); And here template.php <? $APPLICATION->ShowViewContent('bitrix-comments'); ?>

Why do I disappear from the bitrix cache after the time of the image?

Pictures appear only after the cache is reset, the paths to them go to the cache ,but in the cache they are not there in an h ... tgames.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/b1e/290_240_140cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a/b1e2478ca28604b6f1a247f3cbdf9fc3.jpg">

Does SubQuery work in bitrix in relation to the getList of partitions?

Or only for components? That is, is it possible to use CIBlockElement::SubQuery in CIBlockSection::GetList?

Bitrix24 cloud application development using the messageservice.sender.add method

We are trying to develop an application for the Bitrix24 cloud for their marketplace. The essence of the application is that ... ibed... https://dev.1c-bitrix.ru/rest_help/messageservice/messageservice_sender_add.php Help to understand who faced, please!

Bitrix Getlist D7 runtime

I can't figure out how to connect the two entities. List of users (has multiple UF_DEPARTMENT property) Info block with sect ... a single query, and the ability to use the standard bitrix sorting, via 'order' = > ['UF_DEPARTMENT_NAME' = > 'ASC'];

Like / Dislike in news. detail 1c-bitrix

There is a certain website template in which the news block, for each extended version of the news, I want to make a vote(two ... w many points you clicked. I understand that it's stupid, but I can't figure out how to connect and configure this component.

How to select all records using CIBlockElement::getList in Bitrix?

$arSelect = Array(); $arFilter = Array("IBLOCK_ID" => 2); $res = CIBlockElement::GetList(Array(), $arFilter, false, Array ... ibutes. We need a solution in a loop, when you can select data in portions, via LIMIT. How can this be implemented in Bitrix?

Replacing the key with images for the slider of the catalog.element component

There is a default catalog.element component that uses the MORE_PHOTO key, which should contain product images that will then ... Like this I can't understand it. I tried to understand the default component and did not find anything related to MORE_PHOTO.

Errors when generating a sitemap in Bitrix

Bitrix has set up automatic sitemap generation. But at some point, such halyards begin to be generated .p.part2art1.xml and t ... paces Or there are gaps in the files in the form of spaces. Maybe someone has encountered this, because of what this can be ?

I can't get the correct url of the trade offer

I use one core with a project on the aspro engine(ready-made sites on bitrix). There, the element has trade offers where the ... RL#?oid=#ID#. I understand that I don't really know how it works. Tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to get a working url.