
ListBox on UserForm: sorting, filtering, searching

There is a code that creates a listbox and fills it with data from an sql query. Is it possible to do something so that the data in this listbox can be filtered, sorted, searched? I will send a screen of what is already there.

Is it possible to create a database from Excel tables in VBA?

Actually, the question itself is from the title. We were given such a task at the university and time to figure it out for ou ... Access database file, server, etc.? If yes, please tell me where to read how to implement it, I can not navigate. Thank you.

Creating a two-dimensional array in excel

There is a source array, where each column is a year I have a parameter (for example N) that specifies from which year the ... red lines on the same sheet Preferably with formulas, but also with a macro, it will be interesting to see, if not difficult

Complex condition in Excel (multiple condition if)

There is a main table: columns A and B, in column B there are data, for example 001230, 001273, 001479, 000720, you need to ... functions of the VPR, If the CONDITION is not present, there is also no possibility to reinstall the office to a normal one)

The For loop stops reading data from cells (VBA)

All good time of the day. I have such a problem. The For Loop cycles through and reads the data from the cells in the first ... _ВВОД").Rows(i).Select With Selection MsgBox a End With End If Next End Sub

Provider " Microsoft. ACE. OLEDB.12.0 " not registered on the local computer

How to solve this problem ? private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Вызываем окно проводника O ... r = cmd.ExecuteReader(); tableau.Load(Reader); dataGridView1.DataSource = tableau; } } }

Divide the text with the number into two columns (text and number separately)

How can exel divide text with numbers in one column into 2 columns: separate text and separate numbers? Sample text Example of split text

Edit Excel spreadsheet with C# in Microsoft Azure

I have a web application that reads an excel spreadsheet and imports the cell values into the database automatically. I am us ... failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0X80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)).

Excel button to choose

I want to know if it is possible with buttons or list or with some formula. For example I have a list with the name of the c ... Espanha --> Madrid Barcelona Sevilha And that you can select one of them

How to remove the close forms button in VBA / Excel?

I want to take the close button off some forms in VBA / Excel. For example, I am customizing the presentation of some messa ... t? I found some solutions, but they are for old versions of VBA and for 32 bits, I could not adapt them to work in 64 bits.

How to calculate time intervals in excel

I have a spreadsheet that tells me where a truck was at a certain time: DATA/HORA COD. REVENDA 24/1/17 0:50 1 24 ... the time he stayed en route and the time he stayed in the factories but I have no idea how to do it. I appreciate your help.

Excel Formula for formatting tables

Is there any formula to string the colors of a table? I don't want the "normal" (e.g. red|white|red). What I intend is whenev ... ...... The value to compare is from the first column by the value of the first column of the Lina earlier. Is it possible?

Error generating excel file

When the system runs on the server this error occurs: Error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000 ... ontent/Uploads"), nome); excelApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs(path + ".xlsx"); #endregion }

Save a pasted image in Excel spreadsheet via VBA

The code below copies a strip of cells from a sheet that is pasted as an image into another sheet, but I have not found a way ... t into an image object, would also solve, but in any case it is important to be able to save this image. How do you do that?

VBA. I try to convert a txt to excel

Hello guys I have this macro to convert multiple txt to excel , but when it converts it does not separate the file by Column" ... _Name, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbooklocal:=true ActiveWindow.Close Counter = Counter + 1 Loop End Sub

How do you get Excel automatic recalculation to trigger a VBA routine?

I have a graphic scheme in Excel that is done by means of conditional formatting (see Figure below), that is, in the colored ... the VBA , what I need is the inverse, the automatic recalculation of the Excel trigger the routine in VBA . Is it possible?

Why ASCII characters differ from Excel for presentation via code in VBA?

Does anyone know why this occurs? I need to use font characters " Wings 3" in labels dynamically created in a VBA form. ... = str & Chr(i) Next i Label1.Width = 500 Label1.Height = 500 Label1.Font.Name = "Wingdings 3" Label1.Caption = str

Dynamically set Excel column size

I am working with the generation of spreadsheets in EXCEL, and for this I use the standard api of the framework. Imports Mic ... it doesn't seem to have the desired effect. xlWorkSheet.Cells.Rows.AutoFit() xlWorkSheet.Cells.Columns.AutoFit()

Use the Excel application object within Access

I am creating a VBA script that exports a table in multiple shared excel spreadsheets in a specific directory. The problem i ... e the exported file as shared, I have to re-open the worksheet in the excel object, apply some formatting and save as shared.

VBA/Excel Combobox: disable auto-complete

I am typing a text that is in a ComboBox of VBA/Excel, but the initial part of the text coincides with another already incl ... percase and I want to write in lowercase, it always brings in uppercase. How to lock this auto add-on? Can anyone help me?