
Map data as MySQL team to JAVA above 24 hours example (37: 26: 30)

I have a system that I need to bring from the MySQL Bank time information above 24 hours to Java. We use hibernate and it is ... t will receive the data from the bank as Date, but it is barred when the bank has information of times greater than 24 hours.

Hibernate does not find hibernate.cfg.xml

. At the time of indicating to Hibernate the configuration file, I have tried wrong relative path before".cgf): (../../ main/ ... I had passed the wrong relative path... See below the configuration class where I indicate the .cfg and the error below:

How to reduce JSF application CPU consumption

From a while ago, my application started to have a very large CPU consumption. I installed JProfiler, and from what I underst ... I'm using hibernate 4.3, JSF2.2. 10 + primefaces 5.2, I use ehcache as well. Below are some results that I printed.

Hibernate Trunk

I have the following query to search the bank for appointments according to the dates reported (start date and end date). Let ... da.dtAgenda, da.agendaDonoAgenda.donoAgenda.dsDonoAgenda ]]> </query>

Set up table with ID for multiple tenants-Multitenant

I have a database used by multiple clients. I need each database table to have an "ID_INTERNO" (behind the ID field), startin ... ific id field for each user of the application, but I do not know the best way to enter it... What's the best way to do this?

Java Pool Hibernate c3p0

Dear, good afternoon. I have a Java solution that is causing problems in production, bringing down the bank. After some cha ... ve()) { transaction.rollback(); } //session.close(); //session.disconnect(); } }

Are Hibernate and JPA the same thing?

Is a question of who just took this subject to study but confuses me a lot. I read some articles about ORM and did not quite ... tand what one is and what the other is, Are They the same thing? to use one without the other? Where does each one stand out?

JPA object references an unsaved transient instance-save the transient instance before flushing:

When trying to save the " addresses "of" client "JPA / Spring returns me the following error in"main" Caused by: org.hib ... lectionTable(name="TELEFONE") private Set<String> telefones = new HashSet<>(); public Cliente() { }


I am doing a basic user registration with Servlet. When I click the Register button I get the following error page (everythi ... equestDispatcher("cadatro_response.jsp").forward(request, response); } processRequest(request, response); }

How to block 2 users on the same screen-JAVA

I need to block the access of 2 people on the same screen, example, two people try to access the registration of a particular ... ng that someone is accessing this registration. Would anyone have any ideas? I work with java, JSF, primefaces and hibernate.

JPA Hibernate issue

I am having a problem on a system that I am developing using springboot along with JPA Hibernate. I'm not as experienced usin ... can help me I thank you very much, I can not stand to stay so long in this without being able to solve. Thank you right now!

How to make Hibernate "realize" that the value of a column was set by the database

My Table in the database has a column that is automatically populated by the database itself. This table is mapped as a clas ... fresh(objeto) right after persist() --- it works, but this makes hibernate reread all database properties (ie. inefficient).

Differences between Criteria and HQL

In the handouts I read and tutorials that I followed Criteria is more used, but I identified more with HQL. But I have the fo ... }) And then in the DAO: Query consulta = sessao.getNamedQuery("Suspensao.listar"); lista = consulta.list();

Java error.lang.IllegalArgumentException in Hibernate when working with enum

Take a look at the error message: jun 02, 2015 5:23:57 PM com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase execute ADVERTÊNC ... is is my class enum Typeperson package com.algaworks.pedidovenda.model; public enum TipoPessoa { FISICA, JURIDICA }