
How to change default size of an icon?

Is there any way to change the default size of an icon of a javaFX application? I have an image that I intend to use as an application icon, but it turns out to be too small both in the upper left corner of the window and in the taskbar.

Error trying to change JavaFX application icon

Hello. I am developing an application in JavaFX and I am trying to change the icon of my application as per the code below: ... ogin The files of the program I am developing are arranged as follows: Does anyone know why this error occurs? Thanks.

How to add a calendar in frame or dashboard in Java

I am developing a project in Java that deals with dates. the main idea is to put a medium-sized calendar on the main screen ... combined with elements of Swing . To my searches only gave me JCalendar which doesn't meet my needs. Any tips are welcome.

Implement paint in JavaFX

I am trying to implement an application similar to paint with JavaFX. I can draw a line from one point to another, but it onl ... } /** * Make no changes here. * * @param args unused */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } }

Pick up mouse position inside scroll pane

How can I get the mouse position inside a crashed scroll in javafx? I have an app that does a drag and drop operation inside ... pn_desktop.getChildren().add(no); no.setLayoutX(x - (no.getWidth() / 2)); no.setLayoutY(y - (no.getHeight() / 2)); }

Observable List in a JavaFX List View

I need help with a code, this code is just an example that I'm trying to implement, my idea is as if it were a sales screen w ... blic String getNome() { return nome; } public void setNome(String nome) { this.nome = nome; } }

How can I edit the color of a bar of a barchart in javafx?

I need to change the color of the bars of a Barchart made in Java but I can not, I have tried to insert a stylesheet, but it ... ionando a cena ao palco stage.setScene(scene); //Exibindo o conteúdo do palco; } }

What is ActionListener for? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... ib swing). Because I'm having a little trouble understanding,so I would like practical examples of how to use such a method.

JavaFX: Location is required

This is the main code, I am having problems with FXMLLoader, because I have tried several ways and the path is never found. ... l.onScreenChanged(newScreen, userData); } I am organizing my packages as follows: Could anyone give me any help?

Error running file.jar

Was developing a calculator in Java, to study the language. After doing the whole project and exporting the file .jar and try ... cene);; } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } }```

Go back to the Home Menu when pressing ESC with JavaFx

How can I make my application return to the Home menu after pressing ESC. Currently I can use KeyEvent only when some compone ... KeyCodeCombination(KeyCode.ENTER); if (ENTER.match(k)) { atualizar(); } });