
Get the current iframe url?

Is it possible and how to get the current iframe url ( different from the initial src)?

jquery How to add an element after the found one

For example, there is such a code <div> <div onclick = "$(this).parent().append('<div>text1.5</div>' ... er the found one and not in the found one as the following function does $(this).append('<div>text1.5</div>');

Removing jquery input mask characters

Please tell me how to remove characters from input. Now only the last character is deleted. $(function() { $("#phone ... dle.js"></script> <input type="text" id="phone"> <input type="button" value="DEL" onclick="del_ch();">

Replace the line without touching the endings and add an additional line

In this code: var a = "текста, текстов, текстами"; a.replace(/текст/g,"итог (подитог)"); This is the answer: итог (подито ... ов, итог (подитог)ами The answer should be: итога (подитог), итогов (подитог), итогами (подитог) How to implement this?

Same for textarea

Script: $(function(){ $('input[title].mi').bind({ focus: function() { if ($(this).attr('title') == $( ... about jQuery? Please help me. It will be good if it is an addition to the first script, but you can have two different ones.

Link together inputs that have different name attributes

There is a code like this: <div class="group-options"> <div class="group-options__item"> <input t ... ements.forEach((el) => { el.setAttribute('data-prop', prop); }); }); }); })(); Nothing comes out yet

e. preventDefault () does not work

Tell me why the cancellation of the event e.preventDefault(){[4 does not work]} $("#text").keyup(function(e) { if ( ... ://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <textarea id="text"></textarea>

I can't perform a search query in google via javascript in tampermonkey

I am trying to implement an automatic search query in google ( or other search engines) via javascript in tampermonkey. I man ... ease help with the problem and, if possible, write the code that will execute a search query, for example, in Google. Thanks.

Checking the checkbox for a check

I want to perform a check when confirming the form. But immediately there is a confirmation! The checkbox is being checked. ... гласие на обработку данных!'); $("#agree").css('border', '1px solid red'); } }); }); </script>

Remote activation of selectmenu jQuery UI

There is an element stylized thanks to selectmenu, there is also a button in a different place on the page (but within view o ... : In general, if there is no such function in the jQuery UI, then tell me please as possible to implement my idea, thank you!

Replacing jQuery text

Hello. How can I replace a space with a plus? Is there a str_replace in jQuery? var blabla='бла бла'; In var blabla='бла+бл ... null, 'http://' + window.location.host + '/ ' + blabla); But it turns out in the browser line instead of spaces %20. Thanks.

Show and hide content on plus, minus

Jsfiddle With one plus, when you click, it works fine, but when there are two or more, it opens everything and closes everyth ... ges, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</div>

Input-to-input events

Hello, I need to track text input i.e. instant events on characters. For example, the user clicked " 1 " immediately shows "1 ... " and shows you "1", then another "5" and shows you "13", I want to immediately show, I'm really stupid, what do you advise?

How to select the next item after $(this)

Hello! Here is the code that is: <div class="input"> <input id="name" name="name" type="text" /> <div ... de below will no longer work. $('input').keypress(function(){ $(this).next('.process').addClass('loading'); });

Changing the URL in an AJAX request

I send an AJAX request like this: $(document).ready(function(){ $('#blog_url').click(function(){ $.ajax({ ... URL changes, but the link becomes site.ru/blob.php#blog.php Can you tell me how to make the link look like site.ru/blog.php?

Iterating through a DOM element as an array

Tell me what the console gave out. Is this the way it should be, or is it necessary to iterate through the array in some othe ... tell the console: var spans = $('.s-far span'); for( key in spans ){ console.log(spans[key]) } The answer is killed:

creating an array in jquery

I can't figure out how to make sure that the id of the elements loaded on the page are passed to ajax for processing. I can't ... arr['.$row['id'].']"> But jquery outputs only the first element and with square brackets: alert($('ul li').attr('name'));

jQuery selectors-Selecting elements by attribute value

The page has a parent: <span class="flist"> Within which 3 to 9 div's are cyclically output, differing only by the ... whose value starts with the specified string. Although no, I don't understand how to use these selections. Please teach me!

jsGrid change cell programmatically

How can I programmatically change the value of a jsGrid cell programmatically? The task is as follows - now the table data is ... oadData, but only some cells in the table are changed. I would like to update the data without completely reloading the page.

Horizontal scrolling to the active element

There is a block with horizontally arranged elements. The block is long. Horizontal scrolling is used. How do I make sure tha ... se; $('.testBox .inner').animate({ scrollLeft: elemActive }, 100); $('.diag span').text(elemActive); });