
What is the correct way to stop a " for " loop?

Let's say I have this loop for which works based on my array Name: var nomes = ["Nome 1", "Nome 2", "Nome 3"]; for(i = 0; ... console.log("Stop!"); break; } } I'm stopping it by making use of break. Is this a correct way to stop a loop?

Cumulative sum of data in New python column

Hello guys I have a dataframe with input and output data per day my need and add to that dataframe UAM cumulative column are ... 0 0 0 I believe that the program cannot iterate within the same column over its own would they have a solution to that ?

How do I get the code to read a new value if the condition is not met? - C

The code is this, it is in C #include <stdio.h> int main(void){ int i; printf("digite um inteiro"); scanf("%d",&i ... ke -1 for example, it asks for a new value and perform the while statements. How can I do that? Thank you for your attention.

Should one use break in for?

I have a question about repeat loops. I had a lesson in which my teacher said that you should never use for if you do not run ... the middle, should I opt for while or do while and only use the for for cases that I will process all elements of x up to N?

How to create objects (variables) with different names within a loop?

I want to generate distinct databases in a loop. In the example below would be 3 distinct bases with the following names: "da ... generated instead of the three. How do I make R understand that I want to assign the values to objects created in the loop?