
Simple working example of json, ajax, php communication

Tell me a simple working example of communication between these entities (json (file) ajax php). <html> <head> &l ... orm> </body> </html> Php var_dump(json_decode($_POST['data'])); What is the error? How do I add a file here?

Is there a library on JS like PHPWord/PHPOffice

I have an application written in PHP to write from json to docx. I need to write it using JavaScript. Tell me the name of the library or direct it to the resource, please.

Simulation of the scanner+web application

There is an automation system for the warehouse written in php, mysql javascript, HTML (generally browser-based). There are s ... ment a simulated scan (copy the code for the operation from the library and paste it into the input field of the web reader)?

How do I send an emoji via the Telegram API using the emoji code?

Can I send an emoji via the Telegram API using its code? For example, when you enter :ru: in a chat, it is converted to the f ... s for each country manually in bytes. Is it really possible to do this? I didn't find anything in the official documentation(

Configuring PHPSTORM

I open the file in pcpstorm to make some edits, for example, and when you close the file, it automatically saves and overwrit ... ary and closed and that storm closed it with the same settings as it was previously. I will be very grateful for the answer.

Decoding short links

Interested in the script for decrypting short links There is a link, for example: ... Interested in how does the script work? Thank you in advance.

Output the date in the desired format (abbreviation)?

There is already a date in the format 2012-05-05 00:00:00 How can I shorten it, leaving only the date, and remove the hours, ... es, and seconds? Of course, you can explode, but maybe there is something more efficient, for example, through the same date?

MySQL Double Sorting

Good afternoon, everyone. Faced with the task of having to do a double sort. I found a way. SELECT * FROM `firms` ORDER BY `i ... Petersburg would be output and all the others the values were sorted alphabetically. How can I write a similar query in Mysql

Mysqli output

Tell me how to output the record? I'm new to MySQLi in mysql, I know it well) I looked at the syntax is almost the same, but ... ;"; while($user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo {$user['name']}; } ?> Tell me where the errors are) Thanks.

Random non-integers from 0 to 1

What are the functions in php that could generate a non-integer number from 0 to 1

The placemark is not displayed on Yandex Maps

Placemark is not displayed on the Yandex map. <script> ymaps.ready(init); function init () { var coor ... = new ymaps.Placemark([coordinate[i]] - пробовал такой формат myPlacemark1 = new ymaps.Placemark(coordinate[i] - и такой..

Adding an entry to MySQL via an html form

Hello! I'm trying to learn the language PHP. Slowed down on adding an entry to the MySQL via the html - form. There is a htm ... was added to the database db table dannye in the field Pole1, and so on until the "Field 4"button. But this is not happening.

"Target class does not exist" error in Laravel

Faced with such a problem. I created the controller via the console using artisan, everything was created successfully. Howev ... \Request; class PageController extends Controller { public function home() { return view('home'); } }

"The interlocutor prints the message" Online Chat (Web)

Dear # Hashcoders =) here I am faced with a situation that now I have 21: 46,and I do not know what to do, I am interested in ... th you. For example, I added a screenshot, I understand that "Mail.Ru Agent" it's not WEB, but just so you know what I mean.

Error in XML parsing

There is xml coming from CURL: <?xml version="1.0"?> <merchant.response> <operation wmtransid="782312540" wmi ... #1 {main} thrown in /home/user1734/public_html/system/modules/settings/balance/info_xml.php on line 22 What is the problem?

Design patterns in popular Open Source projects

Can someone give a list of common design patterns in Open Source projects ? Such as symfony or laravel ? For example, I woul ... look at the implementation of the Factory, Builder, Prototype, Adapter, Decorator, Observer, etc. patterns in these projects.

Search for text between " ("and") " in a PHP string

In PHP, I need to use a regular string to pull out all the text elements enclosed in parentheses for their further processing ... hen help at least with the regular search (search for this very text between the brackets) and output the result to the array

DES encryption method

Using php, you need to encrypt the string using the DES algorithm and the ECB encryption scheme example: mcrypt_encrypt(MCRY ... B) This code outputs the result: +��Iin1/n��떇 I tried different encodings, nothing changes. What could be the problem?

How do I update my calendar without reloading the page?

There is a calendar in php, it is formed when you open the page. How can I modify the existing code (Ajax) so that when you s ... t; </div> </div> </div> <?php // конец формы`

What version of PHP should I choose for my site?

At first glance, the answer is simple-the last one.))) I also think so, but when I downloaded PHP 5.3 (5.3.8) VC9 for Windows ... to translate to Linux 2.6 with Apache 1.3 modules.*, Fast CGI, CGI Or Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 6.0 or IIS 7.0 modules