
Correct implementation of character movement

Why does one object pass through the other even though I have colliders on both objects? Why does my character pass throu ... All these questions, in fact, are one single question, which is too common for beginners. Also created the tag unity3d-faq

Problem with Camera. main.ScreenToWorldPoint (touch.position) in Unty

How to do in my 2d game, so that the game does not track my finger (touch) when I click on the walk buttons. In my game, the ... - transform.position.x, touchPosition.y - transform.position.y); transform.right = direction; } } }

Browser game inventory in binary array

There is a dynamic two-dimensional array. There is a database of items. An item can occupy any number of cells in the array. ... uch problems? What is the best way to optimize this? Or maybe I don't notice which thread is a simpler approach to the topic?

Switching between 2d and 3d in unity

I am writing a simple game on Unity and working in a 2d dimension, but I would like to implement a transition between 2d and ... 2d mode enters a portal and abruptly the game goes into 3d mode, hence the question: Is it possible and how to implement it?

Question about data protection from hacking on android

I'm wondering if the following things can be hacked through root? 1. Public variables. 2. Private variables. 3. Variables sav ... ppen at a certain time (for example:tomorrow at 21: 00), then just by changing the date on the phone, he can reset the timer?

C++ OpenGL does not display individual parts

To study OpenGL in 3D, I started writing a game, based on minecraft as a more or less simple 3D game in terms of graphics. I ... wElements(GL_TRIANGLES, i.indicesCount, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr); } m_shader.unuse(); m_renderInfos.clear(); }