
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xd1'

I wrote the following code conAcc = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=D:\ThirdTask\Northw ... no encoding declared; see for details What should I do to make the error disappear?


Good afternoon, I'm trying to get a token: Https://**&scope=4096&redirect_uri=local ... he link in the browser, the application on the local host, and it works fine in VK. That's probably not the problem. Thanks.

How do I convert an Access database to mdb format?

I created a database in the *accdb format and I'm trying to connect it to my program, but the fact is that this format is not ... hat to do, the database is not small, I don't want to rewrite it. Here's what it outputs when trying convert to *mdb format

updating data in datagridview after executing a query in access c#

Connecting the database to datagridview: `con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + file ... dataGridView1.DataSource = bs;` The table is updated, but after the update, the data that was already in it is duplicated

get the name of your own (open) Access file via VBA

Please tell me how to determine the file name. There is an Access file. You need to get its own name when you open it. In wor ... thods(do not work in the access), but I did not find such a thing in the access. Maybe someone has encountered it. Thank you

How to install MS Access separately when Office itself is installed (2016).)

In short, the problem is this: MS Office 2016 is installed on the computer, it includes Excel, Outlook, Word and some other s ... without reinstalling Office itself again. Thank you in advance P.S. I tried to use different installers, but it did not help.

Request to the Access database from C# using variables as a parameter

When executing this request in C#, an error is returned about the absence of one or more parameters, here sl, sp are program ... issing one or more parameters myOleDbCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Login FROM People WHERE Login="+sl+" AND password="+sp;

How do I add a new row to a DataGridView?

The code saves changes to existing rows, but does not add new ones. How to fix this flaw? (The table itself is called via the ... een successfully added", "Caption", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); conn.Close(); }

C#. How can the program connect to the access database if the user does not have microsoft access installed?

Database in access,. mdb (97-2003) When connecting to the database, I use the following construction public OleDbConnection ... eated. (no access " a, no visual studio) Actually, what to do? Can I change the ConnectionString? Use older drivers or both.

Working with the Access database in Visual Studio 2015. Creating a multi-user database

I have an Access database and a C# program that works with it. So far, everything has been tested in single-user mode. But th ... multaneous connections of several users, accessing the same data, because clearly there will be a terrible loss of integrity.

The operation must use an updatable subquery

In Access 2013, I am trying to create a request to fill in the CP_ball field: UPDATE Студент t1 SET t1.СР_балл = (SELECT AVG ... Успеваемость t2 WHERE t2.ИН_Студ = t1.ИН_Студ) But all the time this error: The operation must use updated subquery

Ternary connection in MC Access - MS Access

Welcome. There is a table. There is a field. How to create a ternary connection for it. Example: There is a table, there is ... You need to make a ternary connection from the Employees field to the Employees field. Help. Or throw a link. Help please.

How do I make Field2 react to updates (changes) to Field1?

The script: Polespets. Enter "1" + press "Enter"; Field 1. The number " 1 " falls in the field 1; Field 2. The digit "1" f ... the mechanics without changing p. 1 and p. 2 of the scenario and the code for executing this scenario. File - link Drawing

How do I get an instagram access token?

Last year, I received a token without problems using a link like this:[ ... it appears a window with a request for authorization and after clicking on "authorize" I get an error. What could be wrong?