
ListView c EditText. Edit and save values.

Hello. There is a ListView, with this markup of the list item: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.and ... don't know how. Help me figure it out or, if I'm not doing it at all, direct me in the right direction. thank you in advance!

Miracast on a TV with a PC on Win 10 without a Wi-Fi adapter, is it possible?

I have a computer that has a video card that supports Miracast (AMD Radeon RX 550), and a Samsungs TV that also supports it. ... connection to the computer must be strictly on this adapter, or it will be possible by the cable? It costs windows 10 1903.

RecyclerView multipart

You need to implement a RecyclerView in which there should be a header and a list below it that depends on the database data. At first, I made several RecyclerViews on one activity, but I think this is not correct and eats a lot of data.