
break in Java exit the loop

public class Puzzle4 { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 0; int y = 30; for (int outer = 0; outer ... ease forgive me for asking a stupid question, if I would like to understand what is the reason for this behavior of the code.

Python. How to terminate the program when the if condition is met (text quest without using loops)

There is a task to write a text quest. Write using only if, elife, else. For example, in the story, the player chooses one of ... ore messages. I know how to do this with loops. But I use only conditional operators - no. Is there any semblance of a break?

What difference between return and break in a switch case?

In some situations the practice ofswitch case for code optimization and improvement. I have an application developed for Andr ... t I did not understand exactly what diverges from each other. What real difference between return and break in a switch case?

Python-problem doing print inside a loop

I have the following code Python, representative of the game Pedra,Papel,Tesoura. import random listChoices = ["rock","paper ... addition to executing the block that is inside while, it also prints the error message described above. Thank you right now.

while True within while True

How do I end the session fully while True inside another? Ex: I did with break, but it is finishing only it inside another (w ... while True: test1 = input('Digite (S) pra sair totalmente: ').upper() if test1 == 'S': break

Break and Continue on the Switch

What's the difference between using break and continue inside switch?

Case - Break and Return Switch within a function - Arduino

Hello, good afternoon! I would like to understand how the switch case works in the Arduino C++ language. I have the following ... o, in my case? My goal is to stay in the function and run case 2 of the switch case! How do I do that? Thank you right now!