
Parsing multiple bs4 python pages

Created a site parser. If you parse a single url, the code works. But since I need data from all the pages that are in the ar ... -25-g/','', ] for url in url_list: get_name_count(get_html(url))

bs4 problem with the td tag

How to parse and write in the table under the tag td a href? import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import csv count ... s e: print(e) Returns an error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' name 'adr' is not defined

Multi-page site parsing

import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs # URL STEAMTP: ... ments\WebProject\trade> As you can see, the parser parses 1 page 3 times. And you need to parse 1 page 2 page and 3 page.

bs4 parsing of specific rows from an HTML table

I ask for help, here from the table of this type: <h1>Modems</h1> <a href="..">zurück</a> <b ... you understand the cumbersomeness of this code. Does bs4 or other python tools have something more concise and more adequate?

Parsing using python (bs4, requests), how to separate categories when parsing?

I start parsing orders on in this way: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS r = requests.get('https://www.fl ... }) print(orders) Save() Help me figure out how to parse only orders from a certain category (texts, design, etc.)?

Data from the socialblade site is not parsed

The data I want to parse: My code: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla ... e': 'float: right; width: 900px;'}) print(href_youtubers) Problem: The parser outputs an empty list Thank you in advance :)

How to download a page via selenium

I need to download the page that selenium opened for further parsing via bs4. How do I do this?

Why is the img tag not parsed?

I decided to write a parser, the code below, and when parsing the image gives an error, how to fix it, I write on the guide, ... itle').find('img').get('src') } ) return cards html = get_html(URL) print(get_content(html.text))

Python error IndexError: list index out of range what to do?

import datetime import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4 import BeautifulStoneSoup import telebot import time ... bot.send_message(chatid, rub) bot.polling(none_stop=True) Python IndexError error: list index out of range

help with the python parser

On the site you need to insert a word in Russian in the input field, and save the resulting translation. H ... l', class_='translate-list') print(items) def parse(): html = get_html(URL) get_content(html.text) parse()

kartik datepicker

Yii2 Bootstrap 4 use kartik\field\FieldRange; use kartik\form\ActiveForm; use kartik\datecontrol\DateControl; ... ct a date, for some reason, the table with the choice simply does not appear (only the edges, as seen in the 2nd screenshot)

How to parse images from a website

I need to parse a picture or rather a gif and download it, and if this is not possible, then parse its url or path to it, the ... s/loading") soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml') img = soup.find('picture', class_='preview-media preview-media_loaded') print(img)

PyMySQL how to make an insert?

Here is the code of my parser #Парсер v2 import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pymysql.cursors def get_ ... autocommit=True) print ("connect successful!!") How to implement data from parsing to automatically do insert

How to implement the main news parser in python?

Good afternoon, everyone.Tell me how to implement the main news parser of the news portal.So that all the main news of this s ... (array[2]) textp=array[3] cursor.execute(sql,(str(title),str(text),str(date),str(textp))) print ("Connect successful!")

How to get all the parsing elements from the site

Code: def get_content(html): global v global newsw global bb soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') f ... = f'{bb}') await ctx.send(embed = cvh) Conclusion: The console outputs several items at once, but the discord does not.

VK api library for importing a list of vk user's audio files and alternative paths

It is necessary to get lists of audio users of vk, for this I use the vk_api library, which provides work with the vkontakte ... ty, but there is no other way to get lists of audio users more quickly than using the vk_api library (with Beautiful Soup 4)?

Parsing 2gis via request bs4 python

Colleagues, tell me, does anyone have any experience in parsing a 2gis site through request and bs4? Through selenium it is p ... ith requst parse, but there is a problem with csrf tokens, but I can not find more or less clear information on the Internet.

The same news headlines from the site are repeated many times

I'm a beginner.I found out about such a thing as BeautifulSoup a couple of days ago.So don't judge me harshly if I made a stu ... for comp in comps: print(comps['title']) As a result:

python (json) instagram parser

I have an insta parser, it only works with posts, igtv and profile info, how can I parse stories? After all, each story has i ... .com/storyes/user/?__a=1 will not work I will be very happy if there are options on pure bs4,requests, json without libraries

Error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I have the code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests head = {'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; AO ... ying to add headers and perform this action via the proxi server. I have all exactly popped up this error. What should I do?