
Autofill cells in excel using VBA

Good afternoon Community, I am trying to work with VBA in Excel to try to apply this knowledge in my master's thesis, but I ... ne camera, I'll probably get to other cameras of different areas and placed at vertices different. Thank you for helping me.

How to count different names in a column in vba?

Good Guys, I'm having a question on a vba job where, in a column, you have four car brands: And the supposed is to put in cell c15 the brand we want to look for and in cell d15 has to appear the number of cars that there is of this brand thank you

How to copy and paste as image with VBA?

I need to copy a chart and paste it as an image in the same worksheet. I'm trying to select the range that contemplates the ... wdPasteMetafilePicture End With And the error 1004, Erro de definição de aplicação ou objeto occurs. Can anyone help?

VBA-application definition or object definition error

I am trying to retrieve the amount of rows from an excel spreadsheet to format it, but I am running into the application defi ... ection.End(xlDown).Select maxRows = objExcel.ActiveCell.Row I believe the error is occurring in xlDown. Can anyone help me?

Does not find element with findElementById

Dear, I am trying to fill in two text fields (login and password) of a given page. Using the following code. (Both byid, by ... d=name, value=user I tested this same code on Google page and managed to perform. Can the page have some kind of blocking?

Copy and paste cell when changed

I'm starting to use VBA with the Office package, as I still know little I'm having a hard time picking up this functionality. ... o cell B2 and so on. I know you can do this with formulas, but I need the VBA syntax to start doing something more advanced.

Edit data from a dropdown List in Excel

I have a list of items in a dropdown in excel. These values must be selected by the user and from dai, edit it as requested. ... dropdown values. Can anyone help me? Below follows example of two items that must be selected and then changed by the user.

VBA print by PDFCreator

I'm trying to print an IE file by PDFCreator, in my searches I could not find a way in VBA to perform this process, until I f ... ermine the name of the file and put the path, if it is not possible, something that gives me a point or something like that.

Checking and filling Excel cells

I have the following sheet as image below, I would like to create a VBA to check if the content inserted in the cell range of ... use conditional formatting because the added numbers are always dragged to other cells in some revisions of the document.

Copy rows from a table that match a criterion and paste into another Excel sheet

Hello! I am something new in VBA and have been getting what I want through macro recorder. However, I think that in this case ... n "CLOSED" and paste them into a table located between A1:L16 on sheet "AÇÕES PDCA FECHADAS". I appreciate all the help now!

Compare two columns in EXCEL and if they are equal return a certain value

I'm having a hard time generating a logical structure (If) to validate some data. It's for research. the explanation follows: ... t H The columns D E E they can be disregarded, I understand how it does for one I will already be able to do for them.

A Macro to run all modules?

I have multiple modules and inside these modules I have multiple subroutines with some functions on separate sheets. I intend ... d sub Sub dois() 'código [...] tres End sub Sub tres() 'código [...] End sub How to create a module that runs all macros?

For nested parallel VBA Excel

I'm running a For inside another For, where it runs by column, finds the cell and copies, in the other For it runs column as ... or Else w = w - 1 y = y - 1 End If Next y Next w END SUB

How to separate string from edict in Excel

Precise separates this type of String (example): 1 Estruturas lógicas. 2 Lógica de argumentação: analogias, inferências, de ... as. 3.2 Tabelas-verdade. 3.3 Equivalências. And so on. However, I did not find a rule/function to do this in excel VBA

Goto error handling does not work in loop

I have an application running in VBA, in it I have an error treatment that works perfectly the first time the action passes t ... ver = "https://pan.interfile.com.br/imagens/FileSearch.gif" Then exibirDoc.Click Exit For End If Next

Print alternating columns VBA excel

With the code below: Range("C1:S" & Linha).Select ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$C$1:$S$" & Linha ... s from the range Col. " c "to Col. "S". Is there any way to print only cols. "c", "D", "N", "O", "S" ? Obrg. Julius Faria

How to set the filters in a PivotChart through a macro in Excel?

I made a VBA form and wanted that when clicking a button the filter properties of the pivot chart associated with a table in Excel would change.

Delete certmgr certificate by command prompt

I need to delete certain certificates from the computer so that they do not disturb my a VBA automation system, but I did not ... r, going into personnel and then certificates, I delete them and the system runs perfectly, but I wanted it to be automatic.

how to make a chart in VBA excel in the form of goals?

I need to make a graph where the bars change color depending on their value! example: less than one thousand red, between one thousand and two thousand yellow and above one thousand Green follows picture

Zeroing the counter every time you change lines

I have the following problem: I have two counters dento of my code, but I want that every time I change to the next row the c ... exportado com sucesso! ", vbInformation, "Exportar arquivos" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub