
VBA events in PowerPoint

Hello, There is an event in Powerpoint that allows a subroutine to be executed when selecting a slide. For example, the pr ... tion or button. I searched for something like: slide120_Open () and slide120_Iniciallize () but did not succeed in either.

What's the difference in instantiating, initializing, and declaring a variable?

Many articles on the internet refer to these verbs, regardless of the programming language. But sometimes they are all confus ... interchanged, which generates a lot of confusion. What does it mean to "instantiate", "initialize" and "declare" a variable?

How to run shell commands on debian startup?

I need that when I turn on my raspberry pi 3 for it to run the following scripts: $cd ~/Desktop $source ~/.profile $workon cv $python Only that, dai he will run my program directly.

Order of initialization / instantiation of classes

class Bird { { System.out.print("b1 "); } public Bird() { System.out.print("b2 "); } } class Raptor extends Bird { static ... be the first to be displayed. Would it be possible to explain to me step by step how initializations happen and justify why?

What happens when we assign the default value to objects?

Example: public Carro Metodo(string marca) { Carro carro = default; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(marca)) { carro.Marca ... ro; } Studying on the internet, I realized that some objects were initialized with default. What happens when we do this?

Error CS0847 in array code in C#

I'm doing a simple array code in C # to display values in string, only it pops up error CS0847: array initializer of length " ... Console.WriteLine($"Nome: {lista[i, j]}"); } } Console.ReadKey(); } } }