
C# grab text and insert on top of image

I have a pictureBox, and I need the user to be able to make "markups" on the image. For example, the image is a human body, I ... rcular with drawline wanted text on the photo. Is it possible? I don't even know how to research it better. Can anyone help?

How do I insert elements of a first vector into another second vector, at a given position given by the user? and still print the step by step

Entradas - Tam do 1 vetor:5/ Elementos do 1 vetor: 1 2 3 4 5 / Elementos do 2 vetor: 6 7 8 9 10/ Pos a ser inserida: 1 Saida ... i<tam2; i++){ vet2[pos]=vet1[i]; vet2[pos+1]=vetaux[pos]; cout<<vet2[i]<<" "; pos++; } }

Insert - skip lists / Skip Lists

I'm trying to implement the algorithm of inserting of a nodeinto a hop list, but I'm not getting any progress with the solu ... level; char word[WORD_SIZE]; node **skipList; }Node; typedef struct header{ node *skipList[MAX_LEVEL]; }Header;

Repeated Post in sending the data to the controller, how do I solve?

I am trying to develop a PHP mvc system but I came across this problem in Create. The post is sending multiple repeated data ... ar_dump was there that I saw why it gave error in the insert, he ta multiplying the post now I do not understand the because.