
How to install KDE Plasma 5 in Centos 7?

Hello everyone, please tell me who has a step-by-step guide with commands to install plasma 5 in Centos 7? In our organizati ... ask itut from knowledgeable people. It may be enough to connect some repository and run a couple of commands in the console

The PCM key on the keyboard in KDE

I have a laptop with Kubuntu 19.04 (KDE 5), and on its keyboard there is no key that performs PCM pressing (usually it is wit ... feres with working without a mouse. How can I assign pressing this key to a combination of other keys (for example, ctrl+.)?

Installing KDE over LXDE Lubuntu

How can I install KDE over LXDE on Lubuntu? Thank you in advance.

The installer failed to create partition on disk. (Manjaro KDE Linux)

I decided to install Manjaro KDE 20.1. I booted up via UEFI and started the installation. Immediately switched to manual disk ... device Leaving. Failed to add partition ‘New Partition’ to device ‘/dev/sda’. And I have no idea how to solve this problem.

How to set the button combination for "minimize all windows" in Linux Mint"

Hello, I have version 18.2 of KDE, I want to configure the keyboard shortcut as in Windows(win + d), but I can't find such a hotkey