
Relational database model with SKU

I am creating a system for selling products and I need that these products can have different prices according to their size ... el I created would this be possible? Follows the model: If anyone wants to import the template into your MySQL Workbench.

DeadLock at the level of conceptual design, entity-relationship modeling (MER)

At the conceptual design level we can use the approach (relationship entity modeling (MER)) to describe the behavior of futur ... I just read the Chapter 7 Source: database systems 6th edition, authors: Elmasri, Ramez Navathe, Shamkant B. Year: 2011

What is the difference between associative entity and the intermediate table of relationships N to N?

What is the difference between associative entity and the Intermediate table of relationships N to N ? Is there any noticea ... epresented by a rectangle around the relationship. And N-to-N relationships don't. Relationship N to N Entity Associative

Conceptual model

I was looking at the conceptual model diagrams, I saw some that contains the attributes and entities like this: And other ... ? If it is necessary to declare the attributes, what is done when a Entity has a huge amount of attributes, like 30 or more?

What is the use of using foreign keys?

I have been learning about foreign keys and I am having difficulty understanding how useful they are. Its purpose would be to ... you give me a light? I spent the day trying to understand about it, I understood, but in the application I see nothing more.

Model E. R-Correct?

Hello, I will develop a project for my computer technician course and I am having difficulty with an E. R. model. This is the ... ould look good with the (I don't know if I can put links here). I did one like this, but I think it's wrong:

Modeling categories and subcategories

I am modeling a database related to e-commerce and I am having a doubt in modeling the tables of categories and subcategories ... ch will be a subcategory. What are the advantages of doing a model with two tables or only one, as mentioned in the article?

Relationship with the same MER entity

I am developing my CBT and came across the following doubt in my MER(relationship entity model). I have a client entity that ... in ER? Type so I'm talking about: CLIENTE (nenhum,muitos) ---- PAGA ---- (nenhum,muitos) CLIENTE Would Look that way?

Example and illustration about redundant relationships (MER)

Context Consider the sentence below: States: Relationships that are the result of the combination of other relationships ... FCC - 2012-TRE-CE - Judicial Analyst-Systems Analysis discipline: database (it) - subjects: MER (relationship entity Model)

Is it possible to state that the scheme is normalized in 3FN?

Explaining the context On the internet I found an example of a scheme described like this: Account (num-account, descr-a ... t, descr-account) and launch(numconta, NUM-lanc, data-lanc, value-lanc). Doubt Would the above example be normalized to 3FN?

What is the foreign key (SQL) [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... ith foreign key. So what's the point of declaring a field as foreign key? I don't see any sense. Can anyone please explain?

Non-relational database vs relational database [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... h of them are used and why, if possible with real examples. I accept indications of subjects for study, Thank you very much.

Conceptual model of two relationships between two entities

Hello, I am starting the study on conceptual modeling and entity relationship until I came across a doubt and so far I have n ... I did not see any similar example, so I wanted to know if it is so even or do you have another way to solve this scenario?

Relational model for user login

I need to make a simple system of registration of brands, but I would like the person who is registering a new brand to be lo ... odel. If I have something wrong with my template, can you let me know and help me put the Login table? Here is my Model:

Laravel how to conduct consultation in the bank applying" exceptions " with relationship?

I need to take all users with "Exceção " those of the function that contains id=2, is it possible? Can you fit a Where into ... sents the id of the function find(1) However I need to catch all users of all functions except the do id = 2 is possible?

What is the difference between conceptual, logical and Physical Modeling?

In relational database, what is the difference between conceptual, logical and Physical Modeling? Could you give an example?

Specialization and generalization in database and application development

I have a table Livros and I know that specialization / generalization of books are Livros de Ficção, Livros de Drama and Livr ... e, I would have to program The Associated rules. Something is bothering me in both solutions! How do I resolve this impasse?

Modeling a friends System database

Hello, I am developing an application where there will be an option to add friends,it is very simple, it is not a social netw ... ria) - Deletes the record from the request table. But what would the types of relationship look like, from which to which?

Relational databases and relational object

What are the differences between relational databases and object-relational databases?

How to represent cardinality in the form sets passing to MER

Good afternoon guys ! Is that okay? How the hell do I assign cardinality in a scheme like this ? I am extremely confused as I have never used sets before.. relationship can receive cardinality ? Thank you and have patience with my noobice pfvr