
Port forwarding and traffic redirection via iptables

There is a router, the Internet comes to it. On the router, port 6666 is forwarded to the server with Ubuntu (1 ... Redirect packets from eth1 to the ip address available through this locale

How do I connect via ssh to a server running in VirtualBox via NAT?

How do I connect via ssh to a server running in VirtualBox via NAT?

Port forwarding on the TP-Link 940N router

There are 2 Chinese unidentified video cameras whose TP is not responding. The network works through a budget TP-Link (If it ... rnal one IP1:1935 and IP: 1234567 to internal IP2: 1935. The standard firmware does not allow this, will the custom one help?

FreeBSD 10.3 and Internet access for a separate local machine (IPFW setup)

Colleagues, hello. The task is to release only certain computers to the network. Rebuilt the kernel with the following para ... re it on a clean FreeBSD 8 - everything worked. And on the 10th, only any to any works, and only one PC can not be released.

UDP request to the STUN server (example in C++)

Please show us an example of C++ code (or, ideally, in Qt), in which the client software requests a STUN server over UDP and ... m Account ID: 45301 Account KEY: Xgp3BXDcumuwIsktB6KS Auth secret: jqaeXBCH3GeUwzP Help me write the simplest query for it.

The "nat" table was not found when adding rules to iptables

I'm trying to make an Internet connection on the server using OpenVPN. I configure the server according to the instructions f ... ue Debian GNU/Linux 9 \n \l root@s2e24dbab:/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys# cat /etc/debian_version 9.5 How do I add this rule?