
Isolate processor to run only my program

Has how do I isolate the processor to run only my program in C? Is another didactic and academic question passed by my A. I. ... is possible for Windows to stop all processes to make only that calculation, the OS will not give Dick? And how do I do that?

Is there a difference between program, Thread and process?

I would like to know if there is difference between Thread, process and program ? These three words are widely used in the ... can be considered only one process ? I can't understand the meaning of each word, and I am confused at what each represents.

What would a PID be?

I'm starting to study desktop applications. I had a certain doubt about how I could tell if a certain application is running ... rent? Is this pid Thing Linux or other operating systems use? I mean, is this a default name or something adopted by Linux?

I need to get the process description from the Task Manager

I need to take the name of the process that is active on the screen, but I need to bring equal appears in the Task Manager in ... ThreadProcessId(hwnd, out pid); return pid; } But in both I can not get the description of the process.

End process by.bat whenever the same is started

Good Morning! Whenever I start the computer the beautiful process GWX.exe (the famous process Install Win10) is executed, ... it be something like: se processo GWX.exe estiver sendo executado então execute .bat I await return, thank you right now!

How to make a process wait for the 'brothers'

Hello. I need to create a process tree, so far what I've been able to do is create one side of the tree, kill everything and ... tf("Time used in seconds: %f\n", time_taken); } break; } //SWITCH } //Main What I need do:

Error opening application with process.start

I have an application that when trying to run with process.start or even direct through cmd Windows, does not start correctly ... ecause it does not pull this file .ini, does anyone know any other way to try to open the app via command prompt or via C#?

Cannot use tskill in C#

The tskill command when used via C# (Visual Studio) returns this error: 'tskill' not recognized as an internal or exter ... s proc = Process.Start(processStartInfo); Console.WriteLine(proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); } I appreciate any help.

How to open external process on second Monitor

I need to open an external program to stay on the second screen. I need it to fit exactly on the second monitor. Let's assum ... } That's what I can't, it must have some way to move the Notepad window to the second screen, but I don't know which one.

How to instantiate objects in shared memory?

I have an application in which there are multiple parallelization modes. However, when I will parallelize through fork () th ... l_array, index_generator_template->clone(id))); ParalelizationMode::barrier->wait(); if (pid == 0) exit(0); }

Error: the system cannot find the specified file [C#]

Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified in System.Diagnostics.Process.StartW ... rkingDirectory is correct and that the file mentioned in the parameter FileName exists, so I do not understand what is wrong.

How to get the PID of a windows process after the process is executed

How to get the PID of a windows process right after the process is executed, similar to the $! command that retrieves the PID ... as executed I need a way to get that PID in the windows command to apply to a batch script. any problems with how to proceed?

How to open an executable that requires elevation via C#?

The code provided below seeks to be able to open an executable file in such a way that it is possible to pass arguments to it ... output += p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + "\r\n"; Console.WriteLine(output); p.WaitForExit(); }