
How to determine the base of the number system of a number?

118924 in 10 numeral system = 350214 in x numeral system, how to find x? if possible, then more comfortable

Adding negative numbers

Tell me how to add two negative numbers in the septenary number system? -555(7)+-444(7)

Translation from the 16th numeral system to the 10th numeral system

Hello. You need to write a program that performs this translation. In the C language. I started writing, but something is not ... scanf (" % s ", &st "); printf("Rezultant: n"); HEX_TO_DEC(st); } What is the error? Thank you in advance.

Converting a double from one number system to another

I wrote this code: import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scann ... Double.toString and parseDouble only work with one parameter and do not allow you to convert numbers to other number systems)

Converting the fractional part of a number to the octal SS Pascal

There is a task: A non-zero real decimal number is entered into a numeric variable. It is necessary to display the representa ... s not clear how to work with real numbers, convert the fractional part to octal SS and limit the result to eight characters.

Translation to another number system in PHP

How do I convert a number from decimal to octal? What is the function for this?

Converting a number from binary to decimal, c

#include <stdio.h> //Compiler version gcc 6.3.0 int power(int c, int d) { int p=1; int g; fo ... r(j=0;j<counter;j++) x=x+b[j]; printf("%i\n", x); return 0; } Tell me, where is the error?

Bitwise shift in C

I recently started studying C. Naturally, I could not pass by the program for converting from the n-th number system to the x ... he two lines shown below. Explain in more detail how these two functions work lines. result <<= 1; result += c - '0';

Hexadecimal numbers in C

My task is to implement the SEAL2. 0 algorithm. In short, the input from the file is a 160-character word, it is divided in ... exadecimal numbers of 32 characters? In what format, then, should we store such large numbers so that we can work with them?

Converting a number from hexadecimal to binary

The most banal situation, it is extremely common, but I have a problem with it. The essence is this, you need to translate HE ... n to a text file, I have not encountered these functions yet. I would be grateful for a brief example of using HexToBin, C++.

How to implement the possibility of converting a number from the 10th SS to any SS up to the 8th

Help me write code to translate the number system from the 10th number system to any other number system up to the 8th. I wr ... umber /= system; label1.Text = string.Format(("{0}, = {1}"), system, s); But, the performance of it is not present.

Transfer from any SS to any SS. Help me find the error

Hello. I wrote the code to translate from any ss to any (up to 16). But I still need to add a condition that, when starting a ... dec /= ss2; } while (dec != 0); cout << hex << "\n"; system("pause"); return 0; }

C#: from decimal to hexadecimal with. And

Good afternoon! There is a string of numbers: 1400001111111111 (16 characters in total) - decimal system. Trying to convert ... The difference is obvious. And I'm more inclined to the 2nd option. Please tell me how you can implement it in c#. Thanks.

Converting a fractional number to additional and reverse codes

Is it possible to translate a fractional binary number into reverse and additional codes?

How to convert to binary SS numbers that do not fit in Unsigned Long Long?

I need to find numbers in a string and convert them to binary SS (they are first in decimal SS) Some numbers, when you get t ... code simpler, and then I will not understand (to put it mildly) and please explain the incomprehensible points (if possible)

Translating text to PHP binary code

How can I convert text to binary code? I tried it this way, it translates, but somehow crookedly, unlike decbin: $x = "abc ... t will be the same: 110000111000101100011110001110010110011110100110101 110000111000101100011110001110010110011110100110101