
Spring. Rest API. Java

Working with the phone book. I write the server part, I want to change the created user's data(name and number), add, delete, ... And yes, am I doing everything right? There are just suspicions that with such a code I will be sent to a walking romantic...

Creating the Spring boot Rest api

Help me not clear errors, I started digging in Spring Boot, and tried to create a Rest site, I tried three guides and I alway ... tion for DDL execution Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'messages&servertimezone=utc&'

What is this syntax inside html [[${...}]]?

Sorry for the strange wording of the question, I just don't know how to describe it. I have a Java Spring project using Sprin ... displays not an empty line, but some specific one, for example, "Sign in". That is, I need something like if-else in html.

Error in comparing values when using BigDecimal and compareTo () in Java

Dear developers! The task is to compare the data and make calculations. Unfortunately, after writing the tests, it turned out ... l.valueOf(2.2), actual); } Also below I attach screenshots of the method and class + how the tests themselves worked :

What is the difference between Spring Framework and Spring Boot

You need to write a website using Spring and Hibernate. Which is better to choose for the first time: Spring Framework or Spring Boot?

What is the difference between defining @Transactional in a class and a method (Spring)

In the network, I found information that the difference between the installation location of the annotation @Transactional is ... . Are these statements true (as applied to the Spring 5.x version) ? Is this the case and are there any other differences ?

org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne

It seems to have added @OneToMany and @ManyToOne to the link code, but for some reason it gives an error when running Spring- ... stractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1792) ~[spring-beans-5.2.4.RELEASE.jar:5.2.4.RELEASE] ... 16 common frames omitted

JUNIT tests in a multi-module Spring Boot project

There is a Spring Boot multi-module application, with db configuration via JNDI, how to run Junit tests correctly? My test is ... ceLookupFailureException: Failed to look up JNDI DataSource with name What else did I miss or maybe I'm doing it all wrong?

TomCat error: SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

I'm learning spring, trying to make my first bean. When I try to run the application in eclipse, everything is OK. When I try ... ll you how to solve the problem? Or an article suitable to throw off. I haven't found a solution anywhere that would help me.

Annotations of the Srpda

Please tell me what is the difference between @Autowired, @Required and @Resource.

Incorrect operation of JUnit in Spring Boot

There is a simple Spring Boot application: @SpringBootApplication @RestController @EnableAutoConfiguration public class Demo ... //localhost:80": Connection refused: connect; nested exception is java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect

How to abstract the concept of "Container" in Java technologies

I've been studying programming for several months, and I'm already familiar with Java Core, коллекциями, принципами ооп, At t ... jboss can serve as a container. I can't understand what is meant by the word container. If you can explain it in more detail.

The relative path to the file does not work correctly when adding an image to HTML

I want to put a picture on the site page. The image is in the same folder as the HTML template in which you want to display t ... not searched for by the link to my site, but is searched for as a file that is located inside the folder with the site code?

Creating an entity and uploading files to the server

I work as a rest endpoint to create a contract entity using the spring ecosystem. The entity assumes the ability to attach sc ... n entity, and then send the files in a separate request Which approach should I choose? What are the nuances of each method?

Spring boot Security authentication does not work

I'm new to java and Spring recently started learning it. I decided to do authentication on my test site using UserDetailsServ ... le implements GrantedAuthority { USER; @Override public String getAuthority() { return name(); } }

Correct termination of the spring boot Application

There is an application on spring boot @EnableScheduling @SpringBootApplication @PropertySource("classpath:application.prope ... pplication -> [Help 1] And the app doesn't stop. How do I make a correct stop? And is it possible to do this by Ctrl C?

How to get an object with form (spring + thymeleaf)

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. When you start the program and enter data in the form, in debug, the name and password v ... gt; <div><button type="submit">Create</button></div> </form> </body> </html>

Kotlin integration tests for spring-boot

What I have: there is a microservice on Spring boot, with the web and MongoDB as a storage. For integration tests, I use test ... runs/576320155?check_suite_focus=true The funny thing is that if you rewrite the tests and config in java, everything works)

JavaFX application crashes when trying to make the controller a bean

From the answers to the question How do I provide access to bins for classes that are not the entry point to the application ... ll application code is available on the Bit-bucket repository. I also attach a link to the application code in working order.

How do I upload an image?

I created a new spring-boot project, I'm trying to make a default controller so that it returns an image, i.e. the image opens in localhost:8080. I tried to return bufferedimage - code in the browser. How to implement it?