
Why is outgoing port 1433 closed? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ovider and what can be done in this case? I'm trying to pull this off from a computer running win 7 with a static ip. Thanks!

The "DROP DATABASE" command) - disabled

The "DROP DATABASE" command is disabled. DROP DATABASE users; DROP DATABASE `users`; In the configuration config.default.php ... out "The "DROP DATABASE" command is disabled.". You can't delete it from the image editor. Who knows the solution tell me...

Filter with partition by

select a.film_id, a.first_actor, count(*) over (partition by film_id order by first_actor) as mono from a where mono>1 ord ... y first_actor There is code, but it doesn't work in the where mono>1 part how do I delete those lines? where is mono 1?

SQL Update in Excel - The operation must use the updated query

There is some data in the "Current Data" sheet with the fields SupportStatus and CreatedDate. As far as I know, queries Updat ... lQuery UPD: Request UPDATE [Текущие данные$] SET [SupportStatus] = 'Сервисное обслуживание' Similarly, it causes this error

Explain the meaning of Connect by, dual, level

Explain the value of Connect by, dual, level in oracle. Subconsciously I understand what is happening, but I would like to see a clear definition.

Convenient PL SQL editor [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... tools (programs) that make life easier for the developer? P.S. Preferably free products, since the workstation is corporate

Request for the dynamics of the current number of employees monthly

There is a table Employees with columns (employee ID, department ID, salary, start date, end date, manager ID): ID ... it is necessary to track the dynamics. The dynamics is the actual number of employees in the department on a monthly basis.

How can I synchronize the work of several rabbit workers?

There is a situation:messages fall into the queue and the worker (hereinafter referred to as the handler) takes them to work ... e case of repeated processing of the pool (either updatedCount == expectedCount -> true or updatedCount == 0 -> false).

Error: "Warning: You asked to install executables, but there are no executables in target sqlite-simple"

I try to install SQLite in Haskell, but it gives an error: D:\hq>cabal install sqlite-simple Resolving dependencies... Up ... s in target: sqlite-simple. Perhaps you want to use --lib to install libraries instead. Can you tell me what to do about it?

How do I change the text encoding in the database?

Initially, the database was encoded in some Latin like and in the text of the quack instead of letters. After executing this ... rbage Øàìàíñêàÿ âûñòàâêà "Çâóêè Âåðõíåãî Ìèðà" No solutions that are found help. What other options are there to fix this?

SQLite 3 size of data types in bytes

Is there any information on the volume of SQLite DBMS data types (for example, integer-1 byte, real -..., etc.). I can't find the source for calculating the volume of my database in bytes, I need to add up all the data types.

String concatenation in an SQL query

There are tables story and chapter from which I make a query select distinct story.id, story.theme, chapter.text from story ... tput I get My task is to display texts with the same id separated by a separator in one line. How can this be implemented?

Is there an alternative to Sql Left (Right) join via where

For example, for inner join, you can use where as an alternative. And using where, you can combine two tables not by one column. Is it possible to join as a Left (Right) join using conditions in where?

Error Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value:

Tell me what could be a mistake ? Php file: $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=media', 'root', ''); for ... k PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES Users(id) ) ENGINE = INNODB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

Table update and String or binary data would be truncated error

if object_id('tempdb..#NT')is not null drop table #NT DECLARE @name NVARCHAR(12) SET @name = 'ELSETI\'; CREATE TABLE #NT ( ... 14, Line 23 String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated. Content of #NT Contents of _users

Error in the WHERE NOT EXIST SQL query

Program version: 5.5.25-MySQL Community Server (GPL) insertStr = "INSERT INTO cards (id,cardnumber,seccode,valid_until,c_ca ... ySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT id,c_cards FROM cards WHERE id ='3' AND c_cards ='2')' at line 1

How to create a SQL query with a double condition?

There is a table with similar content: You need to make an SQL query to get names that have received 5 points in math and Russian at the same time. That is, in our case, it is only Ivan.

Get a list of database tables and its fields

There are several databases available. How do I get a list of database tables and fields of these tables in Postgres?

postgresql window functions

There is a table: 1) company-company name 2) week - week number 3) ratio- some difference compared to the previous week ... to the idea, you need a window function that will slide by weeks and you need to somehow check that 3 weeks went in a row

Connecting to SQL Server in C# for a teapot

Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate was installed, and SQL Server 2012 was installed with it. So. Task: connect to SQL Server, creat ... s that Windows authentication is used, but again I did not really understand about than speech. Thank you all for your help.