
Checking the form before submitting or submitting the form without checking PHP?

I'm learning PHP. I am interested in solving problems using PHP, HTML, and CSS, so please do not offer solutions using JS or ... <title>Успешная регистрация</title> </head> <body> Вы успешно зарегистрировались! </body>

The HTML lable inside the div returns a validation error

I know that you can't insert block elements inside lable, such as div, but why if, on the contrary: <div><lable>& ... as child of element div in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) Validator: https://validator.w3.org

The right micro-sized bread crumbs?

Faced with a lack of understanding of the semantics of the structure of creating breadcrumbs with micro-markup. There is such ... ll me, please, is there a way to get rid of errors in the W3C validator and not break the micro-markup by passing the tests?

Yii2 update form

There is a form with data, there is one BUT, some fields in it are unique, if they are not changed, an error is displayed, su ... index','id'=>$post->id]); }else{ return $this->render('update',compact('post')); } }

Access token validation

There is a backend application that provides a REST API (spring boot). To access the application, you must pass the Authoriza ... lue is not present on the JWKS uri. Is this an oauth2 server error, or is it possible to check the access token somehow else?

Layout of the form with stylization of errors

Please tell me how to make up the form in the picture. .form__row{ padding-top: 30px; } .field__title{ font-fami ... #" class="green__button btn">Anfrage senden</button> </div> </div> </form>

Form validation using jQuery Validation

I do validation of form fields using jQuery Validation. I connect the jQuery library, I connect the jquery script.validate.mi ... e; }); How do I combine them so that when you click "submit" , first there is a validation check, and then the form is sent?

Email address validation With#

I'm trying to do validation,I can't figure out how this thing works.When you click on the button, the entered email in the te ... Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string email = textBox1.Text; IsValidEmail(email); }

Check for an integer-a condition for checking the data entered by the user

How to implement an integer check in Python 3? (all positive, negative integers and zero)

How can I configure my own regular expressions for validation in the jqueryvalidation plugin?

Jqueryvalidation.org I don't understand anything from the documentation. It seems that this possibility should logically be just in $('form').validation({ rule( ); });

Errors in the html validator

WordPress site, check in PageSpeed Insights and validator.w3.org. Can someone tell me about the first and second. How to rais ... it checks... 1 error Is in the code tag opening and closing, as it is checked manually, entered in the code source search

How do I validate a URL?

The user can leave 2 types of links in the database. link to any resource (namely a website, blog, forum, etc.) link to the ... URLs are recognized as "This IS NOT A SITE!" NO IMAGES in the DATABASE are not allowed In general, the question is relevant.

PasswordBox WPF validation after logging out

I have a password check in the WPF application. I use the IDataErrorInfo interface for this. There is an xml code with a vali ... sOnDataErrors = True, ValidatesOnExceptions = True, but it didn't fix my problem. Please help me fix this at least somehow.)

Validating json data in python

I'm new to Python, so don't judge me harshly... This seems to be a really trivial question. I need to create a function tha ... e data types of these fields. I need to use try-catch. Could you share some snippets or examples that will give me answers?

Why does an invalid file successfully pass validation (C#)?

Good day to all! I ran into a problem that I can't properly connect the validation of the xml file via the xsd schema. The pr ... or", out type)) { if (type == XmlSeverityType.Error) throw new Exception(e.Message); } }