
PHP output of a multidimensional associative array

I have a multidimensional associative array. How can I display it so that everything is shown on the screen? The array is so ... : [Ханин]( [Иван] => 19) [Остроух]( [Ольга] => 18) [Кульбацкая]( [Любовь] => 25)

Output of a two-dimensional array. Java

I created a new method and wrote the following in it: static void changeDiagonal() { System.out.println("Задание №4"); ... oes not start with a new line, but we would like it to. Tell me, please, what can there be another way to output in 10 lines?

Number of decimal places in c++

You need to output the result of dividing two numbers with an accuracy of 10^-9 Examples: 19/7 - вывод 2.714285714 3/2 - в ... th std:::cout << res - the accuracy will be only 10^-5 (instead of the desired 2.714285714 when 19/7 is output 2.71429)

Output of a number in the messagebox in assembly language

It was necessary to program the mathematical formula (A+B) / (D*E) - C. Here I counted everything, but for some reason the by ... LUDE\API\user32.inc' Upd: the result of this program will be an incomprehensible string like "yy(and an empty lol square)"

Changing the color in random positions in C#

Recently, I got a New Year's mood (mda in early December), I hope it will not disappear as usual at the end of the year. I ju ... rov) I added SetCursorPosition to my code, it turned out better, but how do I make it randomly put only in the filled fields?

Output a message in the same C++line

Wrote the code #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cstdlib> #include <filesystem> using ... e code, the comment left where exactly #is output. It is necessary that each pass of the while loop is added to the output #

Java character output to the console by " coordinates"

There is a program: Scanner Low = new Scanner(System.in); int one = 2, two = 4, free = 6, one1, sup; for (sup = 0; sup ... lt;- How do I make it repeat, relative to the last character, for example 2624: | -> | <- Thank you in advance.

assembler output DX cells:AX in emu8086

Hello everyone Please tell me how to output the values from the cells DX: AX EMU8086 include 'emu8086.inc' ORG 100h MOV AX, 486h Mul Ax Neg ax CALL print_num aam RET DEFINE_PRINT_NUM DEFINE_PRINT_NUM_UNS END

mysql+php data output

There is a table klienti, in it the fields: klient, op_forma, naimen, etc. now the data is output in a column, and it is nece ... ;<td>Должность: <?php echo $row['dolznost']?> </tr></td></p> <?php } ?> </table>

Entering from the console

Hello everyone. There was a need to read the user input until we meet three equal signs. But the code is exactly executed, pr ... input = in.nextLine(); System.out.println(input); } System.out.println(input); } }

Strange characters in the output in the C program

Good day to all. A question for the experts of SI. There is such a clumsy function for removing only unique characters from t ... &sym); } } result[size_str+1] = '\0'; FILE* fp = fopen("./first", "w"); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", result); }

Output words from a list and sets in python

How do I get words from a list and a set in Python without parentheses? For example, from the list ['end','nend'], you need ... ckets, so that there are just 2 words: end nend And from the set, the same thing. How do I output data in multiple rows?

How to display categories on a Wordpress page

And so the site itself was created on WP created an article category that displays all the articles written in full, but how ... ge created, a short code is inserted that outputs entries, how to do the same without a plugin and adding widgets to the page

How to output the entered matrix in c++

I have a problem how to output all the entered elements of the array, and not just the last row of the matrix. #include < ... nt j=0;j<M;j++) { cout<<arr[i][j]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } system("pause"); return 0; }

everything works correctly,but I wonder why the output in the condition is written: if (isset($value[1]))?

Everything works correctly, but I'm wondering why the output in the condition is written: if (isset($value[1]))? <?php ... t;<img src=uploads/".$value[2]." height=150 width=200/></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } ?>

simultaneous operation with std:: wcout and std:: cout

I run all the examples in the following main f-ai: // работа с локалью взята отсюда // https://ru.cppreference.com/w/cpp/l ... d output. In this case, the access to cout and wcout can be generally from different places in the project. Is this possible?