
How to read the file.xls obtained from the internet?

I'm trying to read the file .xls obtained from the internet using requests to later turn it into an array or list of dictiona ... still save the file. In general, now the question is how to feed the xld type bytes to the library so that it sees it .xls?

Python xlrd reading data from multiple sheets using sheet by index

How do I use sheet_by_index to open multiple sheets from an xls file? At the output, I want to get an entry in the lists from ... urces. That is, for my task, get_sheet is not suitable? Can I use sheet_by_index to open multiple sheets from an xls file?

How can I write the values of certain columns to different arrays using Python xlrd?

You need to extract the values of certain columns from the xlsx file and write them to different arrays. I have only managed ... , the message TypeError: 'Cell' object does not support indexing. Through sheet.row_values(rownum) also failed to do.