There are inline buttons "like", "dislike" Telegram bot. How do I change the value of a button after clicking on it?

I decided to put the variables quant1 and quant2 in the rows of buttons. But I don't know how to change them by clicking on t ... likes_count == 0: pass likes[] = likes_count # обновление количества лайков в хранилище

How to make a LOGIN in laravel for two fields

According to the standard in laravel, there is one field for username when logging in to the account. Here is for example now ... database) and log in to the account was successful. If this cannot be done then suggest an alternative two-field entry option

How to build an apk file in Unity

Hi everyone, I'm new to Untiy. The problem is this... I want to make an apk file via Building Setting in Unity, but I don't have a Build button, I have Export instead.What to do, please tell me.

Injecting fields without the c Dagger 2 constructor

On the site with documentation for Dagger 2, there is the following example code and words: class CoffeeMaker { @Inject He ... In case the Heater object has not been created before? And if this is its object is it currently being used by another class?

Eevee in blender 2.8 renders the image on the CPU instead of the GPU

Specifications: Nvidia GeForce GTX 980, IntelCore i5-6500 CPU 3.20 GHz, ubuntu 16.04, blender 2.8, preferences - CUDA is sele ... 668MiB. Tell me, why is this happening? According to the blender 2.8 documentation, eevee should run on the GPU...

In the given string, find the longest and shortest word

Task given: In the given string, find the longest and shortest word. Display them on the screen and display their length. T ... ("The longest word is: %s\n", maxword); printf("The least word is: %s\n", minword); return 0; } `

How can I view information about running processes on Ubuntu, without using ps, through the proc directory?

How to view information about running processes on Ubuntu without using ps, via the directory proc through the terminal? I don't quite understand

How do I compile an asm file and run it on Linux?

I created a file asm file and compiled it using the command nasm file -o outfile How do I run the program in the terminal now? (Run outfile)?

I can't log in as an ubuntu superuser

I can't log in as a superuser in ubuntu. I enter it in the terminal: russia@russia-desktop:~$ su Пароль: su: Сбой при проверке подлинности I have only one user, i.e. myself. What to do?

Installing Ubuntu over a network

Good time of day! Please tell me how to install Linux (preferably Ubuntu) on the network? It is desirable that it is from A t ... could be the problem? I put 11.04, I will try 12.04 - maybe it will help, although restricted/binary-i386 is identical there

nodejs-database connection

I work with sockets, use, express, node.js and still need to connect mysql. Downloaded the mysql plugin via npm. I ... e: con.end(); And now when closing the connection to the database, the server turns off, tell me, maybe there is some option?

Resetting the database to postgresql

Can you tell me how to delete all the records from all the database tables without deleting the tables themselves?

No mail is sent to

There is a problem with sending response emails to email addresses (correct address) from the domain mail. Rules for ... : dns; ( Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 sender domain SPF exact match mandatory for

Code highlighting in Visual studio 2017 works intermittently for #defines written in the included files

I write a program in C++ using WinSock2. This library contains a number of constants and macros created with #define. While w ... ght. Even if all constants and macros are underlined in red, the project is built without problems and it works as it should.

Center alignment of the menu

Help align the css menu in the center. I tried everything, nothing comes out, maybe you will. Here is the code. .hovermenu ul ... kground - color: #1E90FF; } html>body .hovermenu ul li a:active{ /* эффект при наведении мыши */ border-style: solid; }

How to color even lines

It is not possible to fill in even rows, the formula always starts working with a new column. .container1 { border: ... gt; <div class="cn2"> 303</div> <div class="cn2"> 201</div> </div> </div>

Hoare Quick Sort

How do I implement a quick sort algorithm without a median element?

BeautifulSoup-site parsing

import requests import csv from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = '' def parse(url): news ... print(parse(url)) I can't understand what the problem is, why the information is not written correctly to the csv file.

What is the meaning of fragments in Android?

What is the meaning of fragments in Android?

Developing an extension for chrome

In the manifest configuration.json, the permissions object, it records the urls on which the extension will work. there is an ... I don't have to register a specific domain zone? For example: *://site.*/*, but unfortunately it doesn't work (this example).