when parsing responds with errors: '403' or 'Connection aborted'

When trying to parse the site errors are returned: 403: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import tim ... ible that your computer is infected with malware that automatically accesses To Yandex."etc. Zarenee thank you for your help

Header in the GET request

I write a program on sockets in C, which sends a Get request to the server and receives the weather in the city in response. ... t=55.75396&lon=37.620393\r\nX-Yandex-API-Key:[ключ] I try to send it like this, but I understand that it is not the same

Which database should I use for the Android app?

We started making an application similar to blablacar in terms of functionality. The question arose, which database to use?! ... tion to use firestore, but there are also restrictions. Next in line is SQLite, but is it suitable for such an application?!

How to make a smooth image appearance when opening a site for the first time in css?

There is a picture on the site header and I want this picture to appear smoothly on the screen when the user opens the site i ... of the rough normal loading. How can this be implemented without using js only on html + css? I would appreciate your help.

The Discord bot does not start

CODE: import discord client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): print('We have logged in as ') @clie ... ent loop is closed') RuntimeError: Event loop is closed I wanted to create a discord bot (according to their documentation)

Application of Haskell for writing mobile applications, Windows applications, web applications

I'm starting to master Haskell, but all the lessons and guides are working in the console. Tell me, is it possible, for examp ... he Haskell language, and advise a guide for this particular application task, or is Haskell just a calculator in the console?

Object movement together with the Unity 2D camera

I'm making a 2D top-down game on unity. There was the following problem, I have control fingers left-right, there are borders ... amera, and then the camera together with the object to the opposite edge. I hope the essence of the problem is clear. Thanks.

SUM, QUERY, and empty cells in Google Sheets do not work correctly

You need to filter the data using query in googlesheets. Does not sum cells with a value with empty values. Does anyone kno ... C) = month(date '2010-02-01') AND year(C) = year(date '2020-02-01')) group by B label sum(I)+sum(J)+sum(K)''"; 0 )

The emulator does not start in Android Studio | emulator process for ... was killed

The emulator does not start through Android studio, neither through AVD Manager, nor through the launch of the application H ... talling Windows and installing Android Studio on a new Windows, this is what happened. I will be very grateful for your help!

Form for entering data into a MySQL table in PHP

The question is: what should be in the for loop for departments to be written to the drop-down list? The MySQL database has t ... pe="submit" name="submit" value="Сохранить"> </td> </tr> </table> </form>

'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer what is the problem?

For _ in range(threadcountinp): TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer Code: from bs4 import Beautiful ... '\n') for _ in range(threadcountinp): t = threading.Thread(target=thread) t.start() file.close() proxylist.close()

Entering dictionary data from the keyboard

Please tell me how to set the dictionary from the keyboard (via input)? For example, my dictionary should store dates and events. can I use this code? That is, I enter the year and the corresponding event in the history.

How do I block entering characters in Entry from the keyboard?

from tkinter import* e=Entry(width=20) e.pack() How do I make it so that nothing can be typed on the keyboard, as well as inserted?

How to install KDE Plasma 5 in Centos 7?

Hello everyone, please tell me who has a step-by-step guide with commands to install plasma 5 in Centos 7? In our organizati ... ask itut from knowledgeable people. It may be enough to connect some repository and run a couple of commands in the console

All Russian words

From where can I get all the words in Russian? You need it for your own t9 on a PC. (preferably all words with an array)

'float' object is not callable

Error in line 7. Help me fix it. import math from math import sqrt, exp, sin, log, cos, pi, asin x = float(input()) y = floa ... ) / 2 * pi()))) # <--- r2 = 1.2 + sqrt(2 - cos(y) ** 2) r3 = x ** 2 + y ** 2 + 1 z = (r1 + r2) / r3 print(round(z, 5))

Black image when displaying an image

'exec(%matplotlib inline)' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image import pandas as pd x_dat ... lt.get_cmap('gray')) I can't understand why images are not output from the dataset, please help me understand

T-SQL dynamic subquery

There was such a problem, there is a query in which the table needs to be constantly changed, I would like to put it in a var ... o_log and (case when exists (select from [rfiles].[dbo].[rfiles_01022020] as r where = m.people ) then

Returns error: ValueError: invalid literal for int () with base 10: '-'

import math f = open('D:/Python/info/input.txt', 'r') g = a = g[4] + g[5] b = g[11] + g[12] c = g[18] + g[19] if ... () f.close() Here is the code itself. It gives this error : Something to fix, please help, thank you very much in advance!

Swipe a specific linearlayout

Hello there is a problem there is a main activity with a design of 3 linearlayout plates like this example here is the code f ... droid:typeface="normal" /> </LinearLayout> </LinearLayout> I need to swipe the news to the side