Input placeholder

How do I make sure that the placeholder is not hidden when entering the input? input,select,textarea{ border-radius: ... ail" value="" placeholder="Email"> <input type="text" class="field" name="password" value="" placeholder="Пароль">

how to open a second modal window from one modal window

I ran into a problem with modal windows, namely, a problem where when I click in one modal window, the second one should "fal ... modal window at the same level as the first modal window: How hang the second one on top of the first one I don't understand

Singly linked list recursively

Creating a singly linked list with the addition of an element recursively. I figured out the input/output functions recursive ... cout << "(after) Элемент N: " << newinfo1 << " успешно добавлен.\n"; output1(d); }

Dereferencing an array pointer

int array[3]{1,2,3}; int (*ptr)[3]=&array; When dereferencing std::cout<<*ptr; (или std::cout<<ptr[0]) по ... address of the next element. Or does the array break up in std::cout<<ptr[0];, but not in std::cout<<ptr[0]+1;?

Port 443 does not open on CentOS 7. Opened the port in iptables and disabledfirewalld

Port 443 does not open on CentOS 7. I opened the port in iptables and disabledfirewalld. Open ports in iptables: Chain INPUT ... 00046s latency). Not shown: 997 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http 111/tcp open rpcbind

The while loop in the function while() function in php

Hello everyone. I apologize for such a stupid question: how can I put a while loop in a function if the loop accesses the dat ... ion all_list(){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($all)){ echo $row['id']; } } echo all_list(); ?>

Raise the server at home in Denver via the D-link dir400 router

Guys, good evening.The situation is this, there is a Denver and there is a d-link dir 400 router. There is a website in Denv ... velo. And how to transfer the IP address to the project now? My head is already spinning from the number of reread manuals...

Ubuntu 11.10: connect the internet

On RoverBook-W700, I installed Ubuntu 11.10 from the disk. It got up perfectly. I put it on a bare laptop. The local network ... ный DNS-сервер Windows goes online. Ubuntu 11.10-NO. Wired does not connect. Tell me what and where to set up.

Checking the submit button click

There is an example from the book (there is also a similar question arose after watching the video tutorial) on sending files ... t;/html> And to select an existing file to send to the server, it gives: Uploading Problem: possible file upload attack

Automatic receipt of the VKontakte authorization token in Python

I use the library: Https:// Import vk Api = vk.Api('YOUR_TOKEN') Where a token is used fo ... om/blank.html#access_token=YYY&expires_in=86400&user_id=XXX Please tell me how to automatically get a token in Python

PHP design patterns

Help me understand the patterns php. There is a basic abstract class that defines the methods of the object's behavior. For e ... is currently being used. Can you tell me what is the best pattern to use, or can you give me an idea of how to implement it?

"array" in ms sql (for xml)

Hello everyone! I began to learn the query language ms-sql and as a task set for myself, I try to transfer to the xml side co ... r>8-801-555-35-35</TNumber> </Person_info> </Person_INFOs> </Bundle> </Persons>

C++, from a list of words of length 3 or 4, find words that are palindromic

The challenge: To develop the functions hash with the properties of h(a,b,c)= h(c,b,a) and h(a,b,c,d)= h(d,c,b,a). For a list ... e a search for the number of palindromes from the letters of the palindrome (which can also be meaningless, but palindromes.

Autocompletion of parentheses in Visual Studio 2012

Hello everyone Please tell me how to configure auto-completion of parentheses in MVS2012. That is, so that when you open the bracket, the closing bracket immediately appears?

PHP Search for an array key by a value from a part of a word

There is such a problem. An array of data consisting of URLs: array(8) { [0]=> string(39) "/update/data?drid=2759 ... into it through strpos for the desired value, but the result is zero. Is this even possible or not? I'll be glad to any help)

How super() works in Java

For example there is a code: Abstract class: public abstract class Direct { public Direct(char direct) { switch (direct ... s (the parent class), but why is the goToForward() class executed in Direct and not in DirectSouth ? Thanks for the answer :)

How do I save cookies from a website in a separate file and use them only in the future?

When you log in to the site, cookies are issued, and each time you run the program, this very authorization is performed. So, ... unt; i++) { write.Write(req.Cookies.Keys.ElementAt(i) + ": " + req.Cookies.Values.ElementAt(i) + Environment.NewLine); }

Find the maximum element in the array

What is the error? #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { int m=5,n=5,i,j,max; i ... [1][1]=max; for(i=1;i<5;i++) for(j=1;j<5;j++) if(a[i][j]>max){ max=a[i][j]; } printf("max a[i][j]",max); getch(); }

Sum of even Fibonacci numbers

You need to calculate the sum of even Fibonacci numbers that do not exceed 4 million. I saw a pattern that starting from the ... b = 0 i=1 sum=0 while currentFib<4*10**6: currentFib = fib(i*3) i+=1 sum+=currentFib print("\n" + str(sum))

Sending files from a website to Google Drive

I'm looking for a solution to the problem on the Internet, maybe someone can tell me here. The situation is this, a Google fo ... for me, the data is entered in the table, and the files do not fall into the folder, I changed 2 idishnik tables and folders